Monday, January 26, 2009

Romans - January 25, 2009

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

B. Question For Discussion?
1. How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
C. Question For Discussion?
1. How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
D. Questions/Ponderings For Encouraging Discussion...
1. PONDER: This is a series of rhetorical questions where Paul is giving the objector the opportunity to have their say regarding the question of Rom 7:24. Who is the objector?
a. The objector is the one questioning if the law of faith [Christ] can or does replace the Law of Moses [3:28].
2. (8:31) What things is Paul addressing?
a. This is a rhetorical question referring to the things that follow [cf. 8:37].
3. (8:31) “If God is for us...” implies what about those to whom the question is addressed?
a. They accept God as being the greatest power — the Creator of time, space, and mass.

No power is greater than God the Creator and Sustainer, thus, we are more than conquerors. Other side of coin: “If God is against a man, who can be for him?”

4. (8:32) PONDER: It is a fact I do not receive everything I want, thus, what limits “all things”?
a. Context informs all is limited by things enabling the Justified to live Sanctified, thus, be glorified with Christ [cf. 8:17-18]
5. (8:32) What does this question tell us about God?
a. God loves mankind even more that His own Son, thus, there is nothing God has withheld from mankind enabling us to be victorious over Satan.
6. PONDER: If God has freely given all things what has God withheld that would prevent everyone from going to heaven?
a. We may refuse what God has freely given, thus, not be victorious, but God has withheld nothing — our inward man is a free moral agents, thus, we can accept or reject anything.

God’s almost unbelievable willingness to aid and bless mankind He has withheld nothing that could prevent the fulfillment God’s eternal purpose — mankind’s ability to be with God in Heaven for eternity.

7. (8:33) Who would the readers think is the “elect”?
a. Those God has justified (8:33); Those who are in Christ Jesus (8:1); Those who have faith in Jesus (3:26) — the baptized believer (6:3-4).
8. PONDER: This would be a good place for Paul to mention it is necessary to Hear, Believe, Confess, and be Baptized — why did he not do so if Baptism is really necessary?
a. Paul is writing to saints (1:1-7) who have been baptized (6:3-4), thus, it was not necessary and would have taken away from the effect of the series of rhetorical question to pause and tell those who have obey the gospel what they must do to be saved (Act 2:38).
b. It might be good for us but not for the original readers or purpose of this letter.
9. (8:33) Paul has established there is no power greater than God, thus, who is the only one with enough power to bring a charge against the justified?
a. God or one of His agents
10. (8:33) Why does Paul say God cannot be the one bringing a charge against the justified?
a. He is the one providing the plan enabling them to be justified; He acquitted them of their sins, thus, declared them justified (3:26)


11. (8:34) Why Christ cannot be the one condemning the justified?

OBSERVATION (8: 33-34)

12. (8:35) Is this Christ’s love or us our love for Christ?
13. (8:35) Are the things personified and listed by Paul physical or spiritual? What is the significance of the things listed?
14. PONDER: Does God’s promise to never stop loving us mean He will not punish us (make us accountable for our un-confessed sins)? Explain.
15. (8:36) Why did Paul quote Psalm 44:22?
16. PONDER: If the things listed at 8:35 do not mean God is mad at us or loves us less; then what does it mean?


17. (8:37) What are the “things”?
18. (8:37) What is meant by “more than conquerors”?
19. (8:37) What is the meaning of “through”?
20. (8:37) What enables the readers to be more that just conquerors?


21. (8:38-39) What is the meaning of “persuaded” [“convinced]? (indicative mood; perfect tense; passive voice.)
a. .
22. (8:38-39) PONDER: Is Paul saying the items mentioned will not make us stop loving God or he is saying the items mentioned will not make God stop loving us?
23. What does the items listed have in common, i.e., what is the class of listed items?
24. (8:39) As used here “in” (G1722, en) denotes a fixed position where something takes place — i.e., the sphere where something happens rather than the instrument or channel something happened. What is the significance of Chapter 8 ending and beginning with “in Christ” as it relates to the man of 7:24?
25. While God loves all He has created there are five benefits granted only to those obedient to God’s plan of salvation, i.e. those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus, thus, are walking in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-4) What are they? [cf. Rom 8:1; 14; 16; 24; 26)
26. What is the significance of saying “Christ Jesus our Lord”
27. The fact under no condition will a child of God be separated from God’s love mean a child of God cannot be lost, i.e., not go to heaven?
28. PONDER: Will any of God’s children miss Heaven, i.e., be is Hell?
29. PONDER: Can one who has never seen or talked with Christ one on one, as did Paul, really become as persuaded or convinced as Paul there is nothing to cause Deity to stop loving His greatest creation?


E. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
F. Conclusion —

XVIII. Section Conclusion (Sanctification Rom 6:1-8:39) —

Monday, January 19, 2009

Romans - January 18, 2009

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

b. What is the significance of being free moral agents?
(1) Each person determines their attitude toward God's offered salvation — to listen and thirst (thus, obey) or listen and rebel (thus, reject)...
(2) Most “believers”, in practice, do not accept the “free moral” concept — “God has a purpose for me and He will make sure I serve His purpose.”
c. (8:29) What does it mean to “predestined” in this place?
(1) Likewise, God has predetermined the type of lifestyle those which he approves must lead...
(2) They are “to be conformed to the image of his Son” [8:29] — an image a person can accept or reject.
(3) PONDER: What is meant by “conformed”?
(a) Having the same image as another, not the appearance of another but the real attitude of another, the inward man is be more than a superficial conformity. Cf. {Joh 17:16-19}
d. (8:30) How are people “called”?
(1) All are called by the gospel [2Th 2:14], which is God's salvation power [Rom 1:16]...
(2) It is not an “experience of grace” (a feeling) but obedience to the gospel that “calls” everyone — some will reject the call [2Th 1:7-9].
e. (8:30) What is the significance of being “justified”?
(1) Those answering the call have been forgiven and acquitted — are now righteous individuals.
(2) (Rom 3:21-5:21) Discusses God's plan of “Justification”.
f. (8:30) What does “glorified” mean in this place?
(1) Ultimate state of those addressed by Paul
(2) Those desiring to obey will reach the beautiful place called heaven.
13. (8:29) God foreknew and predestined so Christ would be the firstborn and to these God called, justified, and glorified. What does firstborn imply in this passage?
a. Jesus is the role model for all baptized believers.
b. Not only that Jesus the Christ is the first born from the grave that will not again taste a physical death, but that he is the most important, has special privileges, and is the perfect role model, thus, enabling all baptized believers to be assured heaven will be their home.
c. The issue under discussion is what will help the man of 7:24, i.e., the help that Jesus offers is Jesus, who remains deity, has a unique relationship with mankind, Jesus is the big brother (role model) for all created beings (humans) who do not reject him in word or deed.

God plan for mankind’s salvation (being as pure as were Adam and Eve before the fruit incident) was a purposed and prepared plan (Gen 3:15) fulfilled in Christ, thus, an example for all believers.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the end results of things working together for good?
1. God promised to make Satan’s controlling influence less (Gen 3:15) and through Christ it was accomplished for those with the love (desire) to respond to (accept) God’s plan — the gospel (Rom 1:16).
E. Conclusion — The Bible (both Old and New) has one purpose — namely, record the fulfillment of, i.e., to record how everything worked to bring forth God’s plan for the ultimate salvation of His greatest creation, mankind. This includes the choosing of Noah, the choosing of Mary, and Jesus’ resurrection as the Christ. In these three verses the development of the whole scheme of redemption is presented — Deity’s magnificent infinite love for mankind is made manifest.
Those desiring to be approved by God will live a Christ conformed life (recognizing Christ's authority) by responding to the Gospel call (as recorded in the Spirit inspired Bible), thereby, no longer punished (held guilty) for sin and will ultimately walk with Deity for eternity in heaven.

XVII. {Rom 8:31-39} Second Conclusion — More Than Conquerors
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul’s conclusion and application of a “sermon” enumerating the assistance [expression of Deity’s love] given those who are justified — assistance enabling the justified to live a sanctified life. Roman 8 is a five point sermon with a two point conclusion responding to the question of Rom 7:24, “How can any accountable person expect to spend eternity with God for all humans are weak — i.e., at times do things they did not want to do?”
We have consider six expression with one conclusion regarding Deity’s love qualifications making Christians winners in their struggle with Satan...
1) (8:1-4) [v.1] Jesus’ love: “set you free from the law of sin and death.” Are set free from sin’s bondage.
2) (8:5-14) [v.14] Holy Spirit’s love: “being led by the Spirit of God.” Given inspired words as objective guide — not changeable subjective feelings.
3) (8:15-16) [v.16] Holy Spirit’s love: “He testifies with our spirit we are children of God.” Have one bearing witness with our inward man, thus, giving baptized believers confidence they are Heaven bound.
4) (8:17-25) [v.24] Deity’s love: “In hope [confident expectation] we have been saved.” Assurance of Deity’s empathy in mist of daily trials sustains during difficult times.
5) (8:26-27) [v.27] Holy Spirit’s love: “He intercedes for the justified in time of weakness.” An intercessor helping during times of great stress.
6) (8:28-30) [v.28] 1st Conclusion – Deity’s love: “All things work together for good.” All things done by Deity, including scheme of redemption, was for purpose of bringing about mankind’s ultimate glorification [eternity in Heaven].
2. Preview — In Paul’s 2nd conclusion of several arguments supporting his position baptized believers are not left without the necessary help to live a sanctified lifestyle he also closes his “Sanctification” section. He steps out before mankind, on the world’s court house steps, and challenges the whole world to find any fault with Deity’s love and the security provided to the sons of God to live a sanctified life.
Paul does this using a series of rhetorical questions establishing Deity’s perfect expressions of love toward mankind (as numerated in Chapter 8) to drive home Deity’s love for mankind.
Any one can make promises (offer expressions of love) but without the qualifications to fulfill the stated expressions of love such will not be a source of encouragement in time of need.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
C. Questions/Ponderings For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:31) This is a series of rhetorical questions where Paul is giving the objector the opportunity to have their say regarding the question of Rom 7:24. Who is the objector?
2. (8:31) What things is Paul addressing?
3. (8:31) “If God is for us...” implies what about those to whom the question is addressed?


4. (8:32) PONDER: It is a fact I do not receive everything I want, thus, what limits “all things”?
5. (8:32) What does this question tell us about God?
6. PONDER: If God has freely given all things what has God withheld that would prevent everyone from going to heaven?


7. (8:33) Who would the readers think is the “elect”?
8. PONDER: This would be a good place for Paul to mention it is necessary to Hear, Believe, Confess, and be Baptized — why did he not do so if Baptism is really necessary?
9. (8:33) Paul has established there is no power greater than God, thus, who is the only one with enough power to bring a charge against the justified?
10. (8:33) Why God cannot be the one bring a charge against the justified?
11. (8:34) Why Christ cannot be the one condemning the justified?

OBSERVATION (8: 33-34)

12. (8:35) Is this Christ’s love or us our love for Christ?
13. (8:35) Are the things personified and listed by Paul physical or spiritual? What is the significance of the things listed?
14. PONDER: Does God’s promise to never stop loving us mean He will not punish us (make us accountable for our un-confessed sins)? Explain.
15. (8:36) Why did Paul quote Psalm 44:22?
16. PONDER: If the things listed at 8:35 do not mean God is mad at us or loves us less; then what does it mean?


17. (8:37) What are the “things”?
18. (8:37) What is meant by “more than conquerors”?
19. (8:37) What is the meaning of “through”?
20. (8:37) What enables the readers to be more that just conquerors?


21. (8:38-39) What is the meaning of “persuaded” [“convinced]? (indicative mood; perfect tense; passive voice.)
a. .
22. (8:38-39) PONDER: Is Paul saying the items mentioned will not make us stop loving God or he is saying the items mentioned will not make God stop loving us?
23. What does the items listed have in common, i.e., what is the class of listed items?
24. (8:39) As used here “in” (G1722, en) denotes a fixed position where something takes place — i.e., the sphere where something happens rather than the instrument or channel something happened. What is the significance of Chapter 8 ending and beginning with “in Christ” as it relates to the man of 7:24?
25. While God loves all He has created there are five benefits granted only to those obedient to God’s plan of salvation, i.e. those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus, thus, are walking in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-4) What are they? [cf. Rom 8:1; 14; 16; 24; 26)
26. What is the significance of saying “Christ Jesus our Lord”
27. The fact under no condition will a child of God be separated from God’s love mean a child of God cannot be lost, i.e., not go to heaven?
28. PONDER: Will any of God’s children miss Heaven, i.e., be is Hell?
29. PONDER: Can one who has never seen or talked with Christ one on one, as did Paul, really become as persuaded or convinced as Paul there is nothing to cause Deity to stop loving His greatest creation?


D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
E. Conclusion —

XVIII. Section Conclusion (Sanctification Rom 6:1-8:39) —

Monday, January 12, 2009

Romans - January 11, 2009

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

9. (8:28) Considering the location (context) of this verse what is the nature (type) of the “all things” under discussion that are classified as good?
a. All things would be what God and His providence found necessary for Christ to be the necessary propitiation (propitiatory sacrifice) to appease God’s judicial wrath for sin (3:25; 1Jo 2:2) (cf. Luk 22:41-43)
10. OPINIONS: Three positions on “all things” considered
a. (8:28) “All things” is everything (good/bad) without qualification or limitation.
(1) Includes tragic experiences in the life of a Christian: loss of loved ones, financial reverses, illnesses, our sins, etc.
(2) Verse often quoted by the religious to the religious as words of comfort in times of great and seemingly “unfair” sorrow, pain — “It is bad but is for the good!”+
NOTE: In this chapter Paul is discussing what the man of 7:24 requires from Christ to be set free from his body of death, i.e., not be controlled by the flesh (Rom 7:24-25). Context does not support this view.
b. Bad “all things” (events) is God’s chastening (training) motivating us to obey.
(1) Many, from statements made, seen to feel this way, “Why is God doing this to me?” or “What have I done to deserve this?+”
(a) Lord does chasten but His chastening (training) is not punishment.
(2) God does not intervene to punish us in the here and now; this is not a world of retribution but of injustices, inequities, and irregularities. Not because God designed it this way but because of Adam and Eve’s sin the world is no longer a garden. [Gen 3:17-18]
(3) Unless God is a respecter of person (He is not,[Act 10:34]) it is obvious all injustices not made just nor all wrongs made right — in this life time. Suffering in this life is not Deity's punishing by direct intervention but a direct consequence of wrong doing — by doer of wrong or, unfortunately, a doer of wrong upon a doer of good (innocent suffer because of the guilty’s actions).+
NOTE: There are verses teaching value in suffering by Christians [1Pe 4:16; Heb 12:4-11], but Rom 8:28 is not one of them. This view does not fit the context.
c. “All things” is what was necessary for God’s purpose to be reached. (Correct position based on context)
(1) “All Things” is sometimes limited+
(a) (1Co 10:23) Not saying murder, lying, stealing, etc. are lawful; context shows Paul’s point is “all things” that are not “unlawful” are not necessarily always expedient.
(b) (Joh 16:15,13) “All things” obviously referred to “all truth”.
(2) Remote context, “Things work together...for those who love God”, can not mean all things period; conflicts with other passages+
(a) Could the following be classified as “all things work for good”?
i) (1Co 8:10-11,12) Causing a brother in Christ to perish?
ii) (Mat 24:12) At one time they loved God.
iii) Are Satan's works warring against soul included? [1Pe 2:11].
(b) God overrules “some things”, but not “all things”, for our good...
i) (Gen 50:20) Joseph, “You meant evil but God made it good.”
(c) Mankind is a “free moral agent”, thus, God cannot overrule for our good alone (not weakness of Omnipotence but a choice God makes). If He did mankind would not be “free moral agents”, allowed to make choices (mistakes), thus, as we are not robots we are allowed to make mistakes, even to rejecting God.
(3) Immediate Context — “All things” caused by God is specific+
(a) (Rom 8:1,14,16,24,27,28} Deity's work for redemption and ultimate glorification of those loving God is under discussion.
NOTE: This view fits the context, thus, it is the correct view
d. When limited by the context view “c.” is correct for “all things” do work together for our good in the area of God’s work to prepare the perfect plan of salvation.

All things done by Deity works toward Deity’s ultimate purpose — mankind’s salvation (see Gen 3:15).

11. (8:29-30) What is the purpose of “for” at this place, i.e. to what is Paul referring?
a. Is giving proof or support of the position state at Rom 8:28 based on the words or terms used in Rom 8:28-29
12. PONDER: What are the words and their meaning used to support “called according to His purpose” of 8:28?
a. (8:29) What does “foreknew” mean?
(1) 4267 proginosko; to have knowledge before hand; to be acquainted with future events — does not mean predestined i.e., it has been pre-determined what one will do and they must do what has been pre-determined.
(2) PONDER: What did God know before hand about the character of those called according to His purpose that would help the man of Rom 7:24 as he struggled to live with the law of God (any law of merit)?
(a) God knew beforehand the attitude those who would be ultimately glorified must have — the attitude He required of His follower’s inward man was the attitude of the man of Rom 7:24...
i) Not the indifferent, disobedient, rebellious, or self-righteous — but of those hungering and thirsting after righteousness [Mat 5:6] who were willing to be obedient [2Jo 6].


b. What is the significance of being free moral agents?
c. (8:29) What does it mean to “predestined” in this place?
d. (8:30) How are people “called”?
e. (8:30) What is the significance of being “justified”?
f. (8:30) What does “glorified” mean in this place?
13. (8:29) God foreknew and predestined so Christ would be the firstborn and to these God called, justified, and glorified. What does firstborn imply in this passage?


D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the end results of things working together for good?
E. Conclusion —

XVII. {Rom 8:31-39} Second Conclusion — More Than Conquerors
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul’s conclusion and application of a “sermon” enumerating the assistance [expression of Deity’s love] given those who are justified — assistance enabling the justified to live a sanctified life. Roman 8 is a five point sermon with a two point conclusion responding to the question of Rom 7:24, “How can any accountable person expect to spend eternity with God for all humans are weak — i.e., at times do things they did not want to do?”
We have consider six expression with one conclusion regarding Deity’s love qualifications making Christians winners in their struggle with Satan...
1) (8:1-4) [v.1] Jesus’ love: “set you free from the law of sin and death.” Are set free from sin’s bondage.
2) (8:5-14) [v.14] Holy Spirit’s love: “being led by the Spirit of God.” Given inspired words as objective guide — not changeable subjective feelings.
3) (8:15-16) [v.16] Holy Spirit’s love: “He testifies with our spirit we are children of God.” Have one bearing witness with our inward man, thus, giving baptized believers confidence they are Heaven bound.
4) (8:17-25) [v.24] Deity’s love: “In hope [confident expectation] we have been saved.” Assurance of Deity’s empathy in mist of daily trials sustains during difficult times.
5) (8:26-27) [v.27] Holy Spirit’s love: “He intercedes for the justified in time of weakness.” An intercessor helping during times of great stress.
6) (8:28-30) [v.28] 1st Conclusion – Deity’s love: “All things work together for good.” All things done by Deity, including scheme of redemption, was for purpose of bringing about mankind’s ultimate glorification [eternity in Heaven].
2. Preview — In Paul’s 2nd conclusion of several arguments supporting his position baptized believers are not left without the necessary help to live a sanctified lifestyle he also closes his “Sanctification” section. He steps out before mankind, on the world’s court house steps, and challenges the whole world to find any fault with Deity’s love and the security provided to the sons of God to live a sanctified life.
Paul does this using a series of rhetorical questions establishing Deity’s perfect expressions of love toward mankind (as numerated in Chapter 8) to drive home Deity’s love for mankind.
Any one can make promises (offer expressions of love) but without the qualifications to fulfill the stated expressions of love such will not be a source of encouragement in time of need.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
C. Questions/Ponderings For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:31) This is a series of rhetorical questions where Paul is giving the objector the opportunity to have their say regarding the question of Rom 7:24. Who is the objector?
2. (8:31) What things is Paul addressing?
3. (8:31) “If God is for us...” implies what about those to whom the question is addressed?


4. (8:32) PONDER: It is a fact I do not receive everything I want, thus, what limits “all things”?
5. (8:32) What does this question tell us about God?
6. PONDER: If God has freely given all things what has God withheld that would prevent everyone from going to heaven?


7. (8:33) Who would the readers think is the “elect”?
8. PONDER: This would be a good place for Paul to mention it is necessary to Hear, Believe, Confess, and be Baptized — why did he not do so if Baptism is really necessary?
9. (8:33) Paul has established there is no power greater than God, thus, who is the only one with enough power to bring a charge against the justified?
10. (8:33) Why God cannot be the one bring a charge against the justified?
11. (8:34) Why Christ cannot be the one condemning the justified?

OBSERVATION (8: 33-34)

12. (8:35) Is this Christ’s love or us our love for Christ?
13. (8:35) Are the things personified and listed by Paul physical or spiritual? What is the significance of the things listed?
14. PONDER: Does God’s promise to never stop loving us mean He will not punish us (make us accountable for our un-confessed sins)? Explain.
15. (8:36) Why did Paul quote Psalm 44:22?
16. PONDER: If the things listed at 8:35 do not mean God is mad at us or loves us less; then what does it mean?


17. (8:37) What are the “things”?
18. (8:37) What is meant by “more than conquerors”?
19. (8:37) What is the meaning of “through”?
20. (8:37) What enables the readers to be more that just conquerors?


21. (8:38-39) What is the meaning of “persuaded” [“convinced]? (indicative mood; perfect tense; passive voice.)
a. .
22. (8:38-39) PONDER: Is Paul saying the items mentioned will not make us stop loving God or he is saying the items mentioned will not make God stop loving us?
23. What does the items listed have in common, i.e., what is the class of listed items?
24. (8:39) As used here “in” (G1722, en) denotes a fixed position where something takes place — i.e., the sphere where something happens rather than the instrument or channel something happened. What is the significance of Chapter 8 ending and beginning with “in Christ” as it relates to the man of 7:24?
25. While God loves all He has created there are five benefits granted only to those obedient to God’s plan of salvation, i.e. those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus, thus, are walking in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-4) What are they? [cf. Rom 8:1; 14; 16; 24; 26)
26. What is the significance of saying “Christ Jesus our Lord”
27. The fact under no condition will a child of God be separated from God’s love mean a child of God cannot be lost, i.e., not go to heaven?
28. PONDER: Will any of God’s children miss Heaven, i.e., be is Hell?
29. PONDER: Can one who has never seen or talked with Christ one on one, as did Paul, really become as persuaded or convinced as Paul there is nothing to cause Deity to stop loving His greatest creation?


D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
E. Conclusion —

XVIII. Section Conclusion (Sanctification Rom 6:1-8:39) —

Monday, January 05, 2009

Romans - January 4, 2009

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

XVI. {Rom 8:28-30} First Conclusion — All things work for good
A. Introduction
1. Review — The question that is ask at Romans 7:24, “How can any human expect to spend eternity with God for all accountable humans are weak?” The answer is, “Thanks to deity.” By the man of Romans 7:24's agony it is clear the justified have an obligation to accept the responsibilities of being justified (live a sanctified life). Romans 6:1-8:37 the responsibilities of Justification (Sanctification) are enumerated. This done using five arguments and two conclusions supporting his position as noted in Romans 8. [Five point sermon with two conclusions.] We have consider the five arguments: 1) [1-4] “Set you free from the law of sins and death”; 2) [5-14] “Being led by the Spirit of God”; 3) [15-16] Holy Spirit “testifies with our spirit we are children of God”; 4) [17-25] “In hope (confidence) we have been saved”; 5) [26-27] Spirit “intercedes for the justified in time of weakness”.
2. Preview — (Rom 8:28-30) [First conclusion] God’s children can be assured God knows what His children really requires and God has the tools (ability) to make it happen.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the end results of things working together for good?
2. This passage is misused to support, “Even if I leave my wife and run off with a sixteen year old girl it will be used by God for my good.” Debate between David Bonner (gospel preacher) /Hoyt Chastain (Missionary Baptist).
a. Watered down view: God has a purpose for what is happing in my life and all things are working toward that end — what appears to be bad decisions on my part not really bad decision for God’s purpose (good) will happen.
C. Questions/Ponderings For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:28) Who, according to Paul in this verse, receives the benefit of God’s efforts?
a. Those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
2. (8:28) In this verse is Paul saying those who love God are learning or have learned?
a. “know” = 1492 eido; used only in past tense; to understand by way of the outward man’s senses (sight, hear, smell, taste, touch) or to understand by way of inward man’s senses (memory, reason, contemplation, perception, judgment).
b. Those loving God have learned.
3. (8:28) In this verse what have those who love God learned?
a. Those “who love God” have learned (not learning), all things done by God benefits those who love God.
4. (8:28) Is Paul saying everyone who loves God knows (has learned) all things work for good?
a. No! They must love God and are called according to His purpose.
5. PONDER: What is God’s purpose (cf. Gen 3:14-15, Luk 10: 17-21; Eph 1:9; 2Ti 1:9; Rom 1:6)?
a. To enable mankind to once again walk with God — justification/salvation.
6. PONDER: How is one called? (cf. Mat 11:28; 2Th 2:13-14; Rom 1:6,16)
a. By being obedient (responding) to the gospel of Christ
7. PONDER: What does it mean to “love God”? (cf. Mat 7:21; 1Jo 2:3; 1Jo 5:2-3)
a. Love God’s children and keep his commandments
8. (8:28) Considering location (context) of this verse (follows 7:24) what is the “good” being addressed?
a. Good would be what was necessary to set man of 7:24 free from his body of death, thus, enabling him to die to the Law of Merit (7:4) — i.e., being able to be justified by faith not by his works of merit (5:1)


9. (8:28) Considering the location (context) of this verse what is the nature (type) of the “all things” under discussion that are classified as good?
10. OPINION: Three positions on “all things” considered
a. (8:28) “All things” is everything (good/bad) without qualification or limitation.
b. Bad “all things” (events) is God’s chastening (training) motivating us to obey.
c. “All things” is what was necessary for God’s purpose to be reached.


11. (8:29-30) What is the purpose of “for” at this place, i.e. to what is Paul referring?
12. (8:29-30) What are the words and their meaning used to support “called according to His purpose” of 8:28?
a. ”
13. (8:29) God foreknew and predestined so Christ would be the firstborn and to these God called, justified, and glorified. What does firstborn imply in this passage?


D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the end results of things working together for good?
E. Conclusion —

XVII. {Rom 8:31-39} Second Conclusion — More Than Conquerors
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul’s conclusion and application of a “sermon” enumerating the assistance [expression of Deity’s love] given those who are justified — assistance enabling the justified to live a sanctified life. Roman 8 is a five point sermon with a two point conclusion responding to the question of Rom 7:24, “How can any accountable person expect to spend eternity with God for all humans are weak — i.e., at times do things they did not want to do?”
We have consider six expression with one conclusion regarding Deity’s love qualifications making Christians winners in their struggle with Satan...
1) (8:1-4) [v.1] Jesus’ love: “set you free from the law of sin and death.” Are set free from sin’s bondage.
2) (8:5-14) [v.14] Holy Spirit’s love: “being led by the Spirit of God.” Given inspired words as objective guide — not changeable subjective feelings.
3) (8:15-16) [v.16] Holy Spirit’s love: “He testifies with our spirit we are children of God.” Have one bearing witness with our inward man, thus, giving baptized believers confidence they are Heaven bound.
4) (8:17-25) [v.24] Deity’s love: “In hope [confident expectation] we have been saved.” Assurance of Deity’s empathy in mist of daily trials sustains during difficult times.
5) (8:26-27) [v.27] Holy Spirit’s love: “He intercedes for the justified in time of weakness.” An intercessor helping during times of great stress.
6) (8:28-30) [v.28] 1st Conclusion – Deity’s love: “All things work together for good.” All things done by Deity, including scheme of redemption, was for purpose of bringing about mankind’s ultimate glorification [eternity in Heaven].
2. Preview — In Paul’s 2nd conclusion of several arguments supporting his position baptized believers are not left without the necessary help to live a sanctified lifestyle he also closes his “Sanctification” section. He steps out before mankind, on the world’s court house steps, and challenges the whole world to find any fault with Deity’s love and the security provided to the sons of God to live a sanctified life.
Paul does this using a series of rhetorical questions establishing Deity’s perfect expressions of love toward mankind (as numerated in Chapter 8) to drive home Deity’s love for mankind.
Any one can make promises (offer expressions of love) but without the qualifications to fulfill the stated expressions of love such will not be a source of encouragement in time of need.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
C. Questions/Ponderings For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:31) This is a series of rhetorical questions where Paul is giving the objector the opportunity to have their say regarding the question of Rom 7:24. Who is the objector?
2. (8:31) What things is Paul addressing?
3. (8:31) “If God is for us...” implies what about those to whom the question is addressed?


4. (8:32) PONDER: It is a fact I do not receive everything I want, thus, what limits “all things”?
5. (8:32) What does this question tell us about God?
6. PONDER: If God has freely given all things what has God withheld that would prevent everyone from going to heaven?


7. (8:33) Who would the readers think is the “elect”?
8. PONDER: This would be a good place for Paul to mention it is necessary to Hear, Believe, Confess, and be Baptized — why did he not do so if Baptism is really necessary?
9. (8:33) Paul has established there is no power greater than God, thus, who is the only one with enough power to bring a charge against the justified?
10. (8:33) Why God cannot be the one bringing a charge against the justified?
11. (8:34) Why Christ cannot be the one condemning the justified?

OBSERVATION (8: 33-34)

12. (8:35) Is this Christ’s love or us our love for Christ?
13. (8:35) Are the things personified and listed by Paul physical or spiritual? What is the significance of the things listed?
14. PONDER: Does God’s promise to never stop loving us mean He will not punish us (make us accountable for our un-confessed sins)? Explain.
15. (8:36) Why did Paul quote Psalm 44:22?
16. PONDER: If the things listed at 8:35 do not mean God is mad at us or loves us less; then what does it mean?


17. (8:37) What are the “things”?
18. (8:37) What is meant by “more than conquerors”?
19. (8:37) What is the meaning of “through”?
20. (8:37) What enables the readers to be more that just conquerors?


21. (8:38-39) What is the meaning of “persuaded” [“convinced]? (indicative mood; perfect tense; passive voice.)
a. .
22. (8:38-39) PONDER: Is Paul saying the items mentioned will not make us stop loving God or he is saying the items mentioned will not make God stop loving us?
23. What does the items listed have in common, i.e., what is the class of listed items?
24. (8:39) As used here “in” (G1722, en) denotes a fixed position where something takes place — i.e., the sphere where something happens rather than the instrument or channel something happened. What is the significance of Chapter 8 ending and beginning with “in Christ” as it relates to the man of 7:24?
25. While God loves all He has created there are five benefits granted only to those obedient to God’s plan of salvation, i.e. those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus, thus, are walking in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-4) What are they? [cf. Rom 8:1; 14; 16; 24; 26)
26. What is the significance of saying “Christ Jesus our Lord”
27. The fact under no condition will a child of God be separated from God’s love mean a child of God cannot be lost, i.e., not go to heaven?
28. PONDER: Will any of God’s children miss Heaven, i.e., be is Hell?
29. PONDER: Can one who has never seen or talked with Christ one on one, as did Paul, really become as persuaded or convinced as Paul there is nothing to cause Deity to stop loving His greatest creation?


D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
E. Conclusion —

XVIII. Section Conclusion (Sanctification Rom 6:1-8:39) —