Monday, August 24, 2009

Romans - August 23, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —(11:17-24) What is keeping the Gentile from being like the lost Jew
1. They have not rejected Jesus as the Christ. They not rejected the LOC
E. Conclusion — Rejecting Jesus is the same as rejecting God

XII. {Rom 11:25-32}The Jew is not lost forever
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has shown you cannot be saved by the LOM but those who think you can will not stay in that postion, will accept the LOC has replaced the LOM
2. Preview — Tells when the LOM Disciple will accept the LOC
B. Question For Discussion?
1. When will the LOM Disciple be saved?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:25) In this place what does “mystery” mean?
a. It can mean what is not reaveled by God or it can mean what has been revealed but not undestood (1Ti 3:9,16; 2Th 2:7), as it does in this case.
2. (11:25) Why did Paul not want them uninformed?
a. Lack of knowlege can cause one to think they are smart
3. (11:25) Why could they (LOC Disciple) be uninformed?
a. Why same have rejected the LOC
4. (11:25) How long (not days) will this attitude last?
a. Until the “fufness” took place.
5. (11:25) PONDER: What is the fulness of the Gentiles?
a. Not the asumption when a number that is known by God then the LOM Disciple will see the light and accept Christ.
b. “Until” does not mean things will change, things may contiue as they are (Gen 8:5; 46:34; 1SA 15:35; Joh 5:17; Rom 8:22)
c. We can not look at context so we must look at history - perhaps he is saying when the church became all Gentile the LOM Disciple would see the light or when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D..
6. (11:26-27) “and so” -What is the issue that is being discessed
a. The gafting in of the LOM Disciples
7. (11:26-27) Under what circumstances will the LOM Disciple be saved?
a. When they accept Jesus as the Christ.
8. (11:26-27) What is the covenant?
a. They would be saved like non-jews (cf. Act 15:11)
9. (11:28-29) How did the LOM Disciple feel about the Gentile?
a. The Gentile was inferior, was unclean
10. (11:28-29) How do you feel the LOM Disciple felt Act 15 11?
a. The LOC did not replace the LOM (cf. Act 22 :22)
11. (11:28-29) Who is a enemy because of the gospel
a. The LOM Disciple
12. (11:28-29)Who is the “fathers”
a. Abraham, Issac, Jacob, etc, those in Jesus’ family tree.
13. (11:28-29) Why did God not reject the enemies?
a. God loved the children of Abraham, even if they disobey
14. (11:30-31) Paul uses what as an example that the LOM Disciple will be grafted back?
a. The Gentiles were at one time disobedient but God’s mercy let them in.
15. (11:30-31) According to this verse why did God allow some LOM Disciple to stumble?
a. .
16. (11:30-31) The LOM was not given to the Gentiles so how could they have been disobedient?
17. (11:30-31) What is required for the disobedient to receive mercy?
18. (11:32) Are the LOM Disciples sinners because they heared the LOC

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —(11:25-32) When will the LOM Disciple be saved?
1. .
E. Conclusion —

XIII. {Rom 11:33-36} Paul’s conclusion on his vindication section
A. Introduction
1. Review — In chapters 9,10, & 11 Paul has shown one is saved by the LOC, as the LOM fortold. Saying such did not make him an enemy of the LOM or the LOM Disciple. It was God’s choice and the LOM Disciple had to accept it. The LOM never saved a person inside and out. The LOM Disciple is lost but does not have to stay lost; they just have to accept Jesus and his law, the gospel.
2. Preview — God’s wisdom
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What does Paul think about the gospel, the LOC?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:33-35) What is being addressed in the first part of v.33?
2. (11:33) What is being addressed in the second part of v. 33?
3. (11:33-35) PONDER: What did God use to make the gospel plan of salvation?
4. 11:33-35) What is meant by “knowlege of God”?
5. (11:33-35) PONDER: Is it necessary for us to understand how the LOM was replaced by the LOC?
6. (11:36) What is to be God’s glory?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (11:33-36) What does Paul think about the gospel, the LOC?
E. Conclusion —

XIV. Section Conclusion (Vindication Rom 9:1-11:36) — .

Monday, August 17, 2009

Romans - August 16, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

3. PONDER: (11:17-18) Did (or do) the LOM Disciple partake in root of the olive tree? Why?
a. NO! They have been broken off.(11:17)
4. Why were the LOM Disciple broken off?
a. They rejected Jesus as the Christ
5. (11:18) Why would the Gentile become arrogant?
a. Some were broken off so they could be added.
6. (11:18)What is Paul’s warning?
a. The root supports them they do not support the root
7. (11:19) Why might the Gentiles think they better than the Jews?
a. They accepted what some rejected
8. (11:20-21) Why were some broken off?
a. Their unbelief in Jesus as the Christ
9. (11:20)Why would the gentiles become conceited?
a. They had what the Jews did not have, i.e., they were God’s people
10. (11:20-21) Why should the Gentile Christian fear?
a. They can be broken off if they accept the LOM (deny grace)
11. (11:21) What does about salvation being forever?
a. If a person does not do the will of Christ they can not stay of God as the LOM Disciple is finding out.
12. (11:22) God has two sides. What are they?
a. Kindness and Severity
13. (11:22)What determines what side one sees?
a. If they accept LOC.Do not go to the LOM
14. (11:23) Why is the Jew not part of the cultivated tree?
a. They did not believe Jesus was the Christ
15. (11:23-24) What must the Jew do to be a part of the cultivated tree
a. Accept Jesus as the Christ
16. (11:23-24) What is the one thing that keeps the Jew from being part of the cultivated tree?
a. Unbeliever in Jesus
17. Who or what is the branches or branch?
a. The person, not the nation, that rejects Jesus
18. Is Paul talking about the church when he talks about the cultivated tree?
a. NO, the issue is not the church but God’s favor. The church did not exist till the LOM did not exist. [Eph 2:14-16]

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —(11:17-24) What is keeping the Gentile from being like the lost Jew
1. They have not rejected Jesus as the Christ. They not rejected the LOC
E. Conclusion — Rejecting Jesus is the same as rejecting God


XII. {Rom 11:25-32}The Jew is not lost forever
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has shown you cannot be saved by the LOM but those who think you can will not stay in that postion, will accept the LOC has replaced the LOM
2. Preview — Tells when the LOM Disciple will accept the LOC
B. Question For Discussion?
1. When will the LOM Disciple be saved?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:25) In this place what does “mystery” mean?
a. .
2. (11:25) Why did Paul not want them uninformed?
3. (11:25) What could they (LOC Disciple) be uninformed?
4. (11:25) How long (not days) will this attitude last?
a. .
5. (11:25) PONDER: What is the fulness of the Gentiles?
6. (11:26-27) “and so” -What is the issue that is being discessed
7. (11:26-27) Under what circumstances will the LOM Disciple be saved?
a. .
8. (11:26-27) What is the covenant?
a. )
9. (11:28-29) How did the LOM Disciple feel about the Gentile?
10. (11:28-29) How do you feel the LOM Disciple felt Act 15 11?
11. (11:28-29) Who is a enemy because of the gospel
12. (11:28-29)Who is the “fathers”
a. .
13. (11:28-29) Why did God not reject the enemies?
14. (11:30-31) Paul uses what as an example that the LOM Disciple will be grafted back?
15. (11:30-31) According to this verse why did God allow some LOM Disciple to stumble?
a. .
16. (11:30-31) The LOM was not given to the Gentiles so how could they have been disobedient?
17. (11:30-31) What is required for the disobedient to receive mercy?
18. (11:32) Are the LOM Disciples sinners because they heared the LOC

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —(11:25-32) When will the LOM Disciple be saved?
1. .
E. Conclusion —

XIII. {Rom 11:33-36} Paul’s conclusion on his vindication section
A. Introduction
1. Review — In chapters 9,10, & 11 Paul has shown one is saved by the LOC, as the LOM fortold. Saying such did not make him an enemy of the LOM or the LOM Disciple. It was God’s choice and the LOM Disciple had to accept it. The LOM never saved a person inside and out. The LOM Disciple is lost but does not have to stay lost; they just have to accept Jesus and his law, the gospel.
2. Preview — God’s wisdom
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What does Paul think about the gospel, the LOC?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:33-35) What is being addressed in the first part of v.33?
2. (11:33) What is being addressed in the second part of v. 33?
3. (11:33-35) PONDER: What did God use to make the gospel plan of salvation?
4. 11:33-35) What is meant by “knowlege of God”?
5. (11:33-35) PONDER: Is it necessary for us to understand how the LOM was replaced by the LOC?
6. (11:36) What is to be God’s glory?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (11:33-36) What does Paul think about the gospel, the LOC?
E. Conclusion —

XIV. Section Conclu
sion (Vindication Rom 9:1-11:36) — .

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Romans - August 9, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

8. (11:12) What is the”trangression” or fall that is being addressed?
a. The LOM or they as a nation being saved
9. (11:12) What is their “failure” that is being addresses?
a. They tried to kill Christ i.e. the gospel
10. (11:12) What is their “fulfillment” that is being addressed?
a. Not when the LOM Disciples would accept the gospel (that is not Paul’s point) but when the LOM Disciple would no longer be an influence ,i.e., when the temple was destroyed, when the LOM was fully destroyed or fulfilled. When the world and Gentiles could know the riches of the gospel; salvation by grace.
11. (11:12) PONDER:What did the LOM Disciple, in Rome and elsewhere, do to the gospel?
a. The LOM Disciple was hindering the spread of the gospel. When their temple was destroyed they lost their influence. The nation was destroyed.
12. (11:13-14) What did Paul hope to do?
a. Make his countrymen jelousy, thus, save them.
13. (11:13-14) PONDER: Considering 1TI 4:16 what did Paul hope to do?
a. Cause the LOM Disciple to invistigate and prove Paul wrong
14. (11:15) PONDER: How is the one saved?
a. By the gospel
15. (11:15) In what way is their (the Jew) a reconciliation?
a. They rejected Jesus and killed him, thus, the world got the gospel.
16. (11:15)What is the consequences of rejection?
a. Death
17. (11:15) What is the consequences of acceptance?
a. Life
18. (11:15) Who or what receives the consequences?
a. Not the nation but the person who believes the gospel
b. The individual is lost because they believe the nation will be saved, i.e.,the LOM
19. (11:16) Paul in this passage (11-16) is saying the jews are not all bad, what is his argument?
a. Some of the jews accepted the gospel (act 2), thus, the root is not bad i.e., God did reject the nation but those that reject the gospel.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the warning given to the Gentiles?
1. The Jews,LOM Disciples, are not rejected forever, but until they accept the gospel
E. Conclusion — The rejection of Jesus by the LOM Disciple does not mean the nation of Gentiles is now the chosen people.
XI. {Rom 11:17-24} Must Walk the Talk
A. Introduction
1. Review — Has shown the Gentile and the LOM Disciple God did not mis-lead them when he chose the gospel as the only means to have salvation.
2. Preview — The Gentile must not get the idea they are saved because the Jews are lost
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is keeping the Gentile from being like the lost Jew
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (17-18) What is to keep the Gentile who is saved from being arrogant?
a. They are not original. The issue is not that some of the Jews are saved. (3:9)
2. PONDER: What is the olive tree?
a. God’s favor
3. PONDER: (11:17-18) Did (or do) the LOM Disciple partake in root of the olive tree? Why?
a. NO! They have been broken off.
4. (11:17) Why were the LOM Disciple broken off?
a. .
5. (11:18) Why would the Gentile become arrogant?
a. .
6. (11:18)What is Paul’s warning?
7. (11:19) Why might the Gentiles think they better than the Jews?
8. (11:20-21) Why were some broken off?
9. (11:20)Why would the gentiles become conceited?
10. (11:20-21) Why should the Gentile Christian fear?
11. (11:21) What does about salvation being forever?
a. .
12. (11:22) God has two sides. What are they?
13. (11:22)What determines what side one sees?
14. (11:23) Why is the Jew not part of the cultivated tree?
15. (11:23-24) What must the Jew do to be a part of the cultivated tree
16. (11:23-24) What is the one thing that keeps the Jew from being part of the cultivated tree?
17. Who or what is the branches or branch?
18. Is Paul talking about the church when he talks about the cultivated tree?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —(11:17-24) What is keeping the Gentile from being like the lost Jew
E. Conclusion —

XII. {Rom 11:25-32}The Jew is not lost forever
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has shown you cannot be saved by the LOM but those who think you can will not stay in that postion, will accept the LOC has replaced the LOM
2. Preview — Tells when the LOM Disciple will accept the LOC
B. Question For Discussion?
1. When will the LOM Disciple be saved?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:25) In this place what does “mystery” mean?
a. .
2. (11:25) Why did Paul not want them uninformed?
3. (11:25) What could they (LOC Disciple) be uninformed?
4. (11:25) How long (not days) will this attitude last?
a. .
5. (11:25) PONDER: What is the fulness of the Gentiles?
6. (11:26-27) “and so” -What is the issue that is being discessed
7. (11:26-27) Under what circumstances will the LOM Disciple be saved?
a. .
8. (11:26-27) What is the covenant?
a. )
9. (11:28-29) How did the LOM Disciple feel about the Gentile?
10. (11:28-29) How do you feel the LOM Disciple felt Act 15 11?
11. (11:28-29) Who is a enemy because of the gospel
12. (11:28-29)Who is the “fathers”
a. .
13. (11:28-29) Why did God not reject the enemies?
14. (11:30-31) Paul uses what as an example that the LOM Disciple will be grafted back?
15. (11:30-31) According to this verse why did God allow some LOM Disciple to stumble?
a. .
16. (11:30-31) The LOM was not given to the Gentiles so how could they have been disobedient?
17. (11:30-31) What is required for the disobedient to receive mercy?
18. (11:32) Are the LOM Disciples sinners because they heared the LOC

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —(11:25-32) When will the LOM Disciple be saved?
1. .
E. Conclusion —

XIII. {Rom 11:33-36} Paul’s conclusion on his vindication section
A. Introduction
1. Review — In chapters 9,10, & 11 Paul has shown one is saved by the LOC, as the LOM fortold. Saying such did not make him an enemy of the LOM or the LOM Disciple. It was God’s choice and the LOM Disciple had to accept it. The LOM never saved a person inside and out. The LOM Disciple is lost but does not have to stay lost; they just have to accept Jesus and his law, the gospel.
2. Preview — God’s wisdom
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What does Paul think about the gospel, the LOC?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:33-35) What is being addressed in the first part of v.33?
2. (11:33) What is being addressed in the second part of v. 33?
3. (11:33-35) PONDER: What did God use to make the gospel plan of salvation?
4. 11:33-35) What is meant by “knowlege of God”?
5. (11:33-35) PONDER: Is it necessary for us to understand how the LOM was replaced by the LOC?
6. (11:36) What is to be God’s glory?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (11:33-36) What does Paul think about the gospel, the LOC?
E. Conclusion —

XIV. Section Conclusion (Vindication Rom 9:1-11:36) — .

Monday, August 03, 2009

Romans - August 2, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:11) Who is “they”?
a. The nation of Israel, not the individual
2. (11:11) PONDER: Did all Jew’s lose all hope of being saved?
a. No! Only those holding on to LOM
3. (11:11) Why did “they” stumble?
a. Not to fall as individuals but as nation
4. (11:11) Did they stumble to fall?
a. No, they can be saved if they will accept Christ
5. (11:11) What was the results of their stumble?
a. The Gentiles were saved. They became equal to the Gentiles
6. (11:11) How did the Jew’s react?
a. They became jealous
7. (11:11) PONDER:Of what were they jealous – the Gentiles became Christians (were saved) or somrthing else?
a. The LOM.(cf. Act 22:21-23)

8. (11:12) What is the”trangression” or fall that is being addressed?
9. (11:12) What is their “failure” that is being addresses?
10. (11:12) What is their “fulfillment” that is being addressed?
11. (11:12) PONDER:What did the LOM Disciple, in Rome and elsewhere, do to the gospel?
12. (11:13-14) What did Paul hope to do?
a. .
13. (11:13-14) PONDER: Considering 1TI 4:16 what did Paul hope to do?
14. (11:15) PONDER: How is the one saved?
15. (11:15) In what way is their (the Jew) a reconciliation?
a. .
16. (11:15)What is the consequences of rejection?
17. (11:15) What is the consequences of acceptance?
18. (11:15) Who or what receives the consequences?
19. (11:16) Paul in this passage (11-16) is saying the jews are not all bad, what is his argument?
a. .
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the warning given to the Gentiles?
E. Conclusion —