Monday, October 26, 2009

Romans - 10/25/2009

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

III. {Rom 12:9-13} Christians care about all people especially Christians
. Introduction
1. Review — It is the “job”of each Christian to live their life in a manner pleasing to God.
2. Preview — A Christian as a neighbor
. Question For Discussion?
1. How does a Christian treat others, who are also disciples?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (12:9) What is love with hypocrisy?
a. It is pretended love, it is willing to serve love.
2. (12:9) How does one abhor what is evil?
a. Find it to be repugnant and tell the person it is so.
b. Do not soft soap sin but hate sin
c. Evil is not (12:(determined by majority but by God.
3. (12:9) How does one cling to good?
a. More than hating evil but loving what God calls good.
b. More than the consequences of sin but love what God loves.
4. (12:10) What is “brotherly love”
a. In the NT the love which Christians cherish for each other as brethren
5. (12:10) Why do Christians have brotherly love?
a. All have the same Maker all come from Adam and Eve; or
b. They are all Christian, i.e. they are saved the same way.
6. (12:10) PONDER: Who is my brother?
a. Everyone but staying in context Paul is talking about those who have accepted Christ.
7. (12:10) What does “preference” mean (read other versions)?
a. To lead the way for others, that is, show deference: - to go before and show the way, to go before and lead, to go before as a leader.
8. (12:10) What is a Christian to do?
a. Give honor to who honor is due especially if they are of Christ.
9. (12:11) What is a Christian to do?
a. Not be slow in being obedient to the Lord
10. (12:12) How is a Christian to act or be when bad things happen to them?
a. Rejoice (not giggle) perceiver, pray; not seek others
11. (12:12) What does hope mean?
a. The confidence heaven will be their home?
12. (12:12) What does tribulation mean?
a. A burden they must carry
13. (12:12) What does prayer mean?
a. Payer addressed to God, a place set apart or suited for the offering of prayer
14. (12:13) What is member of the church do?
a. When a member has a need he helps and is eager to receive guest, including members that are strangers
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (12:9-13) How does a Christian treat others, who are also disciples?
1. As a member of their family
. Conclusion — A Christian is one that is eager to serve others who are Christians

IV. {Rom 12:14-21} Christians in society.
. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has addressed how a disciple will treat a disciple, now he moves on.
2. Preview — How a disciple will treat those not a disciple
. Question For Discussion?
1. How a disciple will treat those not a disciple?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (12:14) What can a Christian expect (cf. 2Ti 3:12)?
a. To be persecuted for standing for Christ
2. (12:14) How is a Christian to react to those who persecute?
a. He is to bless them for it is Christ they are persecuting
3. PONDER: How is a Christian to react to persecution?
a. Does not say so one will have to go somewhere else to find out. (2 TI 1:4-5) Must endure, not run and hide
4. (12:14) Is a Christian not use bad language even if others do so?
a. This verse is not addressing language. Curse is laid against blessing.
5. (12:14) What is a Christian to do when they are cursed
a. Give them a blessing
6. PONDER: What do you think is the greatest blessing we can give another?
a. They will find Christ in their rage.
7. (12:15) When my neighbor gets a new car how should a Christian react?
a. Be happy for the neighbor. Should not have envy
8. (12:15) When my neighbor has a death in their family how should a Christian react.
a. Weep with them. Have sympathy if not empathy.
9. (12:16) KJV has “condescend” NASB has “associate”, is there a difference?
a. In English one carries the idea one is high life and others are low life.
10. (12:16) What is Paul saying?
a. Do not think you are to good to rejoice or weep with others. Christ is better but not us. We are saved sinners not lost sinners, but, we are sinners for we have not earned heaven by our works.
11. (12:17) When one returns evil for evil who are they serving?
a. There are only two masters, God says to not return evil so you must be serving Satan
12. (12:17) Is a Christian to be a “men pleaser”?
a. We are not to pre think how we act toward others, we are to treat all as better than us.
13. (12:17)Does a Christian have the right to determine if an action is right or wrong? What standard is to be used.
a. No. The standard is, “in sight of all men.”
14. (12:18) Does “peace with all men” mean we sacrifice truth to have peace?
a. I am to sacrifice opinion but not Book, Chapter, and Verse.
15. (12:19) Why should a Christian not seek vengeance?
a. Let God take care of it.
16. (12:20) Explain verse 20.
a. A person will be filled with shame and remorse or there is nothing evil he can say about you.
17. (12:21) If I do evil who do I serve?
a. Satan

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — [Rom 12:14-21]How a disciple will treat those not a disciple?
1. Not as if they are superior but as an equal. We are what we are because of Christ not our selves
. Conclusion — Our purpose is to build up Christ not ourselves

V. {Rom 13:1-7}
. Introduction
1. Review — We have learned we have a responsibility to the church and to those not of the church
2. Preview — We now move into an area that has the potential of causing us a problem, our relationship with the government.. We have been set free from law, does that mean all law. Do we have the right to choose what is moral or immoral or amoral and thus only obey law we agree with? Must we obey a corrupt government?
. Question For Discussion?
1. Can a Christian support a government that does evil?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (13:1) Who is in subjection to the government?
a. Every person and that includes Christians.
2. (13:1) Why?
a. All government is from God
3. Why do you think Paul wrote Chapter 13?
a. Some may have thought being set free by King Jesus they now had to only obey Jesus and not government.
4. Is there any time a Christian will not obey the government?
a. When one is ask to go against God?
5. Are all governments good and necessary?
a. Not good but necessary, for some are controlled by Satan.
6. What type of citizen should a Christian be?
a. One that obeys what God has authorized
7. (13:2) How does one resist the government?
a. Is more than breaking a law but rejecting the government’s right to rule.
8. Who does the condemnation?
a. The one that set up the government – God
9. (13:3-4) The Roman government killed Paul. Is this verse or verses true or is there limits?
a. Paul is giving a principle that is to apply for all time, even if the government is bad.
b. Churches may go bad but we do throw out churches.
10. What does “sword” mean?
a. Legal authority or power. Murder if I do it, execution if the government does it. A Christian will not take vengeance.
11. PONDER: Should a Christian hide if public worship is against the law?
a. Do not think public worship is commanded by God and a Christian will not break the law of the land


12. (13:5) Two reasons are given for obeying, what are they?
13. (13:6) Why should a Christian pay taxes to a government that does bad things?
a. .
14. PONDER: Can a Christian hold a public office?
15. Should a Christian call a doctor “Doctor So and So”?
16. Should just “some” in the church be called “brother” or “sister”?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — [13:1-7]Can a Christian support a government that does evil?
1. .
. Conclusion — Governments exist as long as God sees a need. A government may be evil but having no government is worse.

VI. {Rom 13:8-10}
. Introduction
1. Review — Paul is telling how a Christian will apply chapters 6,7, & 8 to those around them.
2. Preview — Paul has addressed Christians, non-Christians, and government; now he gives a principle.
. Question For Discussion?
1. When a Christian must make a decision what is the rule.
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (13:8) Is Paul saying a Christian will not use credit cards?
a. .
2. How does a Christian fulfill law?
a. .
3. What law is addressed here?
a. .
4. PONDER: Why do think it is necessary to write this?
a. .
5. (13:9) What is the foundation or maxim for Paul’s argument?
6. The LOM has been replaced by the LOC, so says Paul. Can we use the LOM today?
a. .
7. (13:10) What is the fulfillment of the LOM?
8. The word for love (both places) is agape (love, that is, affection or benevolence). What is being said?
9. Who is my neighbor?
a. .

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — [13:8-10] When a Christian must make a decision what is the rule.
1. Do what is best for others.
. Conclusion — The best we can do for others is to teach them the gospel.

VII. {Rom 13:11-14}
. Introduction
1. Review — We have, in this chapter and the previous, how to treat christians, non-christians, and governments. The reasons given is God gave us governments and showed love for others.
2. Preview — We are given another reason why.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is a christian’s reason for acting as they do?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (13:11) What is meant by “time”?
a. Not time in general but a critical period; perhaps the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
2. Do these people have salvation, are they saved? Why do you answer that way?
a. .
3. What is near to them?
a. .
4. What is meant by, “awaken from sleep”
a. .
5. (13:12) What is almost gone and what is near?
a. Night and day.
6. What is meant by day?
7. What are they to lay aside?
a. .
8. How are they to resist the night?
a. .
9. How does one put armor of light?
10. (13:13) Paul uses 3 sets of things a person that is sanctified will not do. What are they and what do they mean?
a. .
11. (13:14) What does “put on” mean?
12. Is a christian to have no lust?
a. .

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is a Christian’s reason for acting as they do?