Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Romans - September 16, 2007

INTRODUCTION (ROM 1:1-17) Continued...

5. What does Paul say was his mission when he was given authority of apostleship?
a. Paul tells them in [Rom 1:5] his mission is to bring the reason for obedience to a level of “want-to” because it is logical. In [Rom 16:26] he tells them they have received what is necessary to have a “want-to” attitude based on what they have learned about the gospel. To create or cause the desire to have an obedient faith [trust] that will lead to a perfect faith (always trusting the source your faith)...
(1) Game of falling, without bending your knees, into the arms of one behind you begin with a short fall, likewise faith is a process of developing trust (reading the Bible)
b. No doubt Paul is also writing for the benefit of the Jews [Rom 2:17], not only those influenced by the Jews [cf. Rom 9:1-11:36]. Paul is telling the Jews his mission is to bring the Gentiles to an obedience of faith. In his process of teaching the Gentiles (which was his God given mission) the church in Rome (Jews and Gentiles alike) will also gain a better appreciation of what it means to have an obedience of faith.

6. How did Paul win the favor of the church [group] as a church [group]?
a. (v.8) He complimented them on their faith being proclaimed throughout the whole world.
b. (v.9) He mentioned them often in his prayers.
c. (v.10) He told them he wanted to come and see them; Why did he want to come see them?.
(1) (v.11) To impart some spiritual gift to “establish” them.
(a) What does “establish” mean?
i) “established” = 4741. sterizo; to set fast; . (lit.) to turn resolutely in a certain direction, or (fig.) to confirm.
(2) (v.12) To be mutually comforted by each other’s faith.
(3) (v.13) To have some fruit among them as among the rest of the Gentiles.
d. (v.13) Had tried to come before, but was let (KJV) [hindered (ASV)].
e. (v.14) He said he was a debtor:
(1) To the Greeks and Barbarians.
(2) To the wise and unwise.
OBSERVATION: This is Paul’s picturesque way of saying “all of mankind”. He was a debtor to all the ones for whom his Master had died.
f. (v.15) He was ready (eager) to preach the gospel in Rome.

C. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered]— What do these verses indicate about how Paul gained favorable attention of the church in Roman in this letter; motivate them to read or listen to the letter?
1. Informed them, in word and deed, he was doing the work he was given to do, not as one who is important but as another’s slave; but he was also eager to do so.
2. He was authorized by deity to take the message of salvation he was bringing, thus, while he was a slave he was doing the work of his master.
3. The message he was giving them was for their benefit, thus, he was eager to be able to them help know more about God’s salvation power — the gospel.

II. {ROM 1:16-17} Announcing His Theme


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