Monday, October 06, 2008

Romans - October 5, 2008

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

XII. {Rom 8:5-14} Second Argument — Sons of God led by the Holy Spirit
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul is continuing his logical response to the, perhaps rhetorical, question of Romans 6:1-2 on why a Christian saved by grace and not restrained by the Law of Moses will not continue in sin. Paul has presented the first of seven arguments or reasons found in Romans chapter eight on why or how the man of Roman 7:24 has been set free from the body of death by the efforts of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When a person saved by grace understands what deity has done and is doing to help them overcome sin it would be illogical for one to think they require the Law of Moses to keep them from continuing in sin. The ones Paul is addressing are not interested in only using the Law of Moses as personal tool but want to bind the Law’s requirements, and perhaps some of their own, on those saved by the gospel as a means to be sanctified.
2. Preview — The part played by the Holy Spirit in helping the saved remain saved. A failure to understand how the Holy Spirit operates has caused some misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit’s efforts or work in our salvation and sanctification.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What does being led by the Holy Spirit mean?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:5) “do mind”; “mind”; “set mind” = G5426; phroneo; verb; to have understanding, be wise; to direct one’s mind to a thing, to seek, to strive for, to judge. Paul is not addressing one obeying (minding) but a person that is understanding.
2. (8:5) Is the contrast of masters between the outward man (flesh) and the inward man (spirit) or the Holy Spirit?
a. It is an issue between the flesh and deity, i.e., the Holy Spirit, for the inward man (mind, spirit), which is also the battle ground. (Rom 8:1-4)
3. (8:5) What is the contrast in this verse?
a. Serving the God given physical desires of the flesh or the desires of the Holy Spirit.
b. Not suggesting “flesh” is evil for flesh is neither good or evil, Paul only means one serving the flesh is controlled by physical desires, be they good or bad desires.
OBSERVATION (8:5) Two types of people, those whose understanding (function of inward man) is mastered by the desires of physical (may or may not be evil) and those whose understanding (function of inward man) is mastered by the desires of the Holy Spirit. (cf. Rom 7:25)
4. NOTE: (8:6) “minded”; “mind” = noun; what one has in the mind, the thoughts and purposes (the inward man)
5. (8:6) Is the issue the results of a mind set on good and a mind set on evil?
a. No. The issue is a mind set on serving the flesh and a mind set on serving the Holy Spirit.
6. (8:6) What is the death Paul is discussing?
a. The death of the soul, i.e., separation from God for eternity.
OBSERVATION (8:6) The issues is not good or evil (the man of Rom 7:7-24 was trying to do good) but if one’s master (the one they serve) is the flesh or things of the Holy Spirit (cf. 8:5)
7. (8:7-8) Why can the mind (inward man) set on the flesh not able to serve God?
a. All we know is the mind (inward man) wants to do good (obey the law of God [Rom 7:15-17]) but the mind’s master is the Flesh, thus, the mind (inward man) must serve Flesh (physical desires, Mr. Sin) and Flesh (the physical) is hostile toward serving God.
(1) Evidently “Flesh” has been hostile toward God from the beginning of time, even in the Garden of Eden.
8. PONDER: What is required for a mind set on the physical (flesh) to be saved?
a. Has been established the man of Romans 7:24 wants to serve God and knows he is not serving God, thus, he is not totally depraved, he just needs God’s help and that help is the gospel, God’s salvation power (Rom 1:16) — he needs to hear and accept the gospel.
9. PONDER: Considering Rom 7:24 why does a person with mind set on flesh serve flesh, even when he does not want to do so?
a. He does not have the power to be set free from serving the flesh, he needs help and knows he needs help.
b. To say it is because one is totally depraved is to let doctrine determine the passage’s meaning and not let the passage determine doctrine, for at this point we are not told why the man is powerless.
OBSERVATION (Chapters 7-8) Gives the why of the fact stated in verse 6, the mind (inward man) whose master is the flesh is hostile toward God and does not subject itself to God’s commandments, in fact it is powerless to do so. The issue is not what a person does, but why a person does what they do.
10. (8:9) “dwell” (reside) is used in Romans only at 7:17,18,20 and 8:9,11. As Paul is using the word what does he mean by “dwell in”?
11. (8:9) What are your thoughts on flesh and Spirit, i.e., is Spirit referring to the Holy Spirit or the inward man (spirit)?
12. (8:9) Is this verse teaching God has a Spirit, Christ has a Spirit, and there is also a Holy Spirit?
13. (8:10) Considering the contrast is it “Spirit” or “spirit”?
14. (8:10) Is “dead” and “life” referring to physical, spiritual, or something else?
15. (8:11) The conflict of 7:16 is the inward man wants to serve God but the outward man will not let him. How does this verse prevent the doctrine that our relationship with the Holy Spirit means the inward man can serve God and the outward man can or will continue to serve evil and will not impact their spending eternity with God?
16. (8:12-13) When a disciple of Christ is obligated to the flesh does this mean they are obligated to do evil?
17. (8:12-13) What is meant by “shall die”?
18. What is the eternal consequences of being obligated to the flesh?
19. PONDER: Does “putting to death the deeds of the body” mean just stop doing evil?
a. .
The readers do not have an obligation or a debt to serve the outward man, to strive to please the outward man, to live according to the desired (be they good or bad) of the flesh. For living as if you have a relationship with (serving) the flesh you will die spiritually, if you live as if you have a relationship with (serving) the Holy Spirit you will not die a spiritual death.
20. In what sphere of influence does a son of God live?
a. .
21. Paul does not inform how one is lead by the Holy Spirit, why not?
Those belonging to God are lead by the Holy Spirit, not feeling, emotions, or desires (be they good or bad) of the flesh. If one ceases to walk in the sphere of Holy Spirit influenced they cease being a son of God, even if they have been baptized to receive remission of their sins.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What does being led by the Holy Spirit mean?
E. Conclusion —

XIII. {Rom 8:15-16} Third Argument


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