Monday, December 28, 2009

Romans - 12/27/2009

The Book of Romans
VII. Conclusion (15:5 - 16:27)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

1. Paul has given a description of the gospel. No doubt there are some that believe the gospel of Christ will not or does not replace the LOM, to say so is to say God lied. There are some who want to add a “little” of the LOM to the gospel and some who have decided we can do nothing to be saved, it is all God and no man. At this point he draws a conclusion and says hello to some friends and makes a few points.

I. {Rom 15: 5-13}
. Introduction
1. Review — Has shown the gospel is the tool used by God to bring all back to God.
2. Preview — If all come to God there will be unity among all.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What prevented (in the past) the Jews and others from getting along?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:5) What does or did God give to them?
a. patience and consolation (KJV) or endurance and encouragement.
2. What is Paul asking they receive?
a. Not that they be them and us but us — not in things but in people.
3. Is unity the most important thing we can have?
a. Not unity for unity’s sake but unity in what is important to God.
4. (15:6) What does “one accord” or “one mind” mean?
a. They agree or they are together on something.
5. Some felt others were not doing right, what is being said?
a. We may have our differences (opinions) but we must put aside our differences and glorify God as God wants.
6. What does “glorify” mean?
a. To worship
7. Does this mean doctrine is not important when we glorify God?
a. Paul has been saying opinions in what eat, drink, or in days are not what is important nothing has been said about things with BC and V support, I must glorify God the way God expects.
b. Is addressing an attitude more than doctrine
8. (15:7) Why is one to be accepted?
a. Christ accepted me and I am to accept others to God’s glory
9. According to this verse what is one act of worship?
a. To accept one that does see “it” (something God has not addressed) my way.
10. Does this verse say I can not have an opinion?
a. I can have an opinion but I can not make others have my opinion.
11. (15:8) Why did Christ become a servant to the Jews?
a. So they the could know the truth about God’s promises, i.e. confirm the truth of God’s promises.
12. When what Paul preaches is rejected they (Jews) have rejected what?
a. What God said to their fathers.
13. (15:9-12) Why should the Gentile glorify God?
a. They received God’s mercy (received hope).
14. Before Christ what did the Gentiles not have.
a. Hope of life after death.
15. Why do Christian have hope?
a. They have the Holy Spirit (cf. Act 2:38)
16. What is the hope a Christian has?
a. That we are saved (8:24)
17. How does a christian know they are saved?
a. Trust and the witnesses (Romans 8)
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What prevented (in the past) the Jews and others from getting along?
1. They were of the opinion their opinion was all that was important.
. Conclusion — They are to put aside their opinion in maters God has not thought important and glorify God.


II. {Rom 15:14-21 }
. Introduction
1. Review — Unity is had by one, who has the right, not insisting on that right.
2. Preview — Why Paul wrote
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the foundation for Paul’s letters?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:14) Did the church need to know what was written to be “good”?
2. Was Paul flattering or commending the church?
a. .
3. (15:15-16) How has he written?
a. .
4. Did Paul tell them something that was new to them as a group?
5. Why did Paul feel he had the right to write?
a. .
6. Paul calls himself a minister (leitourgos), what is he saying?
7. What was Paul”s offering?
8. When they accepted the gospel they were what by who?
a. .
9. What does this say to those that said Paul was preaching error, i.e. the Gentiles were lost if they listen to Paul?
a. .
10. (15:17) Could Paul be proud that he had more “stars in his crown” than others?
11. As for the gospel what did Paul think he was?
a. .
12. (15:18-19) When Paul spoke what was he speaking about?
13. How did the Gentiles know of the gospel, i.e. how did they become obedient?
a. (non-miracle and miracle ).
14. (15:20-21) Who were the ones Paul preached?
a. .
15. Why did Paul preached where he did.
a. .
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the foundation for Paul’s letters?
1. .
. Conclusion —

III. {Rom 15:22-29}
. Introduction
1. Review — The problems have been solved, thus the church should grow.
2. Preview — Paul writes of future plans
. Question For Discussion?
1. Why should the christians in Rome help the christians in Jerusalem?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:22-24) Was Paul’s trips (plans) inspired?
2. What kept him from Rome?
3. When did Paul plan to go to Rome?
4. Did Paul plan on spending a long time in Rome?
5. Why was Paul going to Rome on his way to Spain?
6. (15:25-26) Where is Paul headed?
7. Why is Paul going there?
a. .
8. (15:26) Did they (the givers) give grudgingly, like it was a tax?
a. They were pleased to give
9. (15:27) Why did the givers have their attitude?
10. (15:28) Why did not come to Rome at this time
11. Did Paul go to Spain after he went to Jerusalem with the contribution?
12. (15:29) Was Paul in error when he said Christ would bless his trip to Rome?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (15:25-29) Why should the christians in Rome help the christians in Jerusalem?
1. .
. Conclusion —

IV. {Rom 15:30-33}
. Introduction
1. Review — Paul tells them why he is coming to them at that time.
2. Preview — What was needed and was wanted at that time.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What was required from them for Paul to have good rest?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:30) Paul ask for two things, what are they ?
2. What are the two things that will them unity?
a. Christ and the Spirit
3. Is this love for or of the Spirit; our love given to the Spirit (for) or the love given to us by the Spirit (of)? Why do you answer that way.
4. Why are they (the church) ask to do what they do?
5. (15:31) Paul had two request, what are they?
6. PONDER: Why was Paul concerned (acceptable) about his “service for Jerusalem”?
7. (15:32) What was necessary for him to have rest?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (15:30-33) What was required from them for Paul to have good rest?
. Conclusion —

V. {Rom 16:1-2}
. Introduction
1. Review — Have been told what was needed from them for him.
2. Preview — Here he mentions a person that may need help
. Question For Discussion?
1. Who is Phoebe?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:1) What relationship is Phoebe to Paul?
2. What relationship is Phoebe to the christian at Rome?
3. Was she an “official” of the church in Cenchrea?
a. .
4. (16:2) They ask to do two things, what are they?
a. .
5. What are the two reasons why she should be helped?
a. .
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:1-2) Who is Phoebe?
1. . Conclusion — .

VI. {Rom 16:3-16}
. Introduction
1. Review — Has told them what he needed and of a person that may need their help.
2. Preview — Paul list several that have helped him in the past.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What does this passage tell us about the church in Rome?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:3-5) Prisca is short for Priscilla. When do we first meet this couple?
a. At Corinth on Paul’s second trip (Acts 18:1-3)
2. What does v.4 tell us about this couple?
a. They put their life on the line for Paul, we are not when or where.
3. Is it wrong or right for a church not to have a building and thus meet in someone’s home?
a. If the doctrine is correct the place of meeting of meeting is not important.
b. The church in Rome may have meet in the home Prisca and Aquila for unless a trip was taken or a letter was written the people listed could not be greeted.
4. (16:7) What does this verse tell us about this couple?
a. They have been Jews or Paul’s kin; when this letter was written Paul was not a prisoner of the state so he is saying they are prisoners of Christ; they were “apostles”of the church in Rome; they were christian before Paul (this refutes eternal election).
5. (16:16) How were they to greet each other and does this apply to us?
a. They were greet other as society required but with sincerity; yes.
6. Is Paul saying all churches of Christ greet the church in Rome?
a. No just the ones he knew; if all the “greets” are not in Rome then it is only the ones mentioned
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:3-16)What does this passage tell us about the church in Rome?
1. It was filled workers that Paul knew
. Conclusion — ?

VII. {Rom 16:17-24}
. Introduction
1. Review — The church in Rome had some good workers
2. Preview — A warning to the church
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the church to do about false doctrine?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:17) Paul implies some are doing what?
a. They are stumbling blocks and may be teaching error
2. What are they to do?
a. Does not say dis-fellowship them but be aware of them and do not listen to them.
3. (16:18) Are this men bad or evil men?
a. No, they are self willed
4. What is the tool used by these men?
a. Smooth and flattering speech.
5. What is their target and how do I prevent being their target?
a. Those that do not how to apply what they know
6. (16:19) They challenged to what?
a. Wise in good; innocent in evil.
7. (16:20) What does soon or shortly mean?
a. Something that will happen in their lifetime
8. (16:20) PONDER: What is the event that is to happen?
a. The fall of the temple in Jerusalem which will get the Jews off their backs.
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:17-24) What is the church to do about false doctrine?
1. Do not judge the person but first judge the doctrine
. Conclusion — ?

VIII. {Rom 16:25-27}
. Introduction
1. Review — He gives a warning that some teach false doctrine
2. Preview — Closing
. Question For Discussion?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. “My gospel” is not the same as Christ’s gospel?
a. Paul is saying the gospel he preached is not the gospel of the Judaizers, it is the gospel of Christ, salvation for all.
2. What is the mystery that was revealed?
a. Gentiles and Jews were fellow-citizen in Christ’s kingdom

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —
. Conclusion —

IX. Conclusion — We come to end of Paul’s explanation of the plan of salvation

Monday, December 21, 2009

Romans - 12/20/2009

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

20. PONDER: Based on this passage I can be a “Dallas Cheer Leader” for the problem is with other’s thinking not mine.
a. The issue is does God think I can be a “Dallas Cheer Leader” or etc.

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the criteria for making an issue of something.
1. If God makes it an issue I make it an issue, I will not draw a line where God has not drawn a line.
. Conclusion — I must not cause one for who Christ died to fall.

XII. {Rom 15:1-4}
. Introduction
1. Review — Paul closes his section on the Application of Sanctification
2. Preview — This gives the reason for a Christian actions
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is a Christian’s goal for others?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:1) Who is the strong and who is the weak?
a. The strong is the one died to remove “do’s and don’t’s” list (creed), the weak is the still needing “do’s and don’t’s” list (creed).
2. Is needing a list wrong or a sin?
a. No. It is sin only if I make my list your list (a creed).
3. Is having a list wrong or a sin?
a. No so long as I remember the list is to please me not God.
4. (15:2) Does this verse say I will do all my neighbor wants to make him happy?
a. Making my neighbor happy is limited by what is good for him and what will edify him even he wants to fight about everything.
5. (15:3) Why will a Christian do verse 2?
a. Because Christ did verse 2
6. (15:4) What are the two reasons given for what was “written in earlier times”?
a. Instruction and hope.
7. What is expected of those to receive the two reasons
a. Perseverance or patience.
8. Does NT church need to study the OT. If so why?
a. We learn about God thus we have hope in tomorrow

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is a Christian’s goal for others?
1. To bring or send them to heaven
. Conclusion — My goal is to help others know the gospel.

XIII. Conclusion for this section — Paul has shown those in Christ do not act like the world but have real concern for God’s authority and for those who Christ died.
The Book of Romans


The Book of Romans
VII. Conclusion (15:5 - 16:27)

1. Paul has given a description of the gospel. No doubt there are some that believe the gospel of Christ will not or does not replace the LOM, to say so is to say God lied. There are some who want to add a “little” of the LOM to the gospel and some who have decided we can do nothing to be saved, it is all God and no man. At this point he draws a conclusion and says hello to some friends and makes a few points.

I. {Rom 15: 5-13}
. Introduction
1. Review — Has shown the gospel is the tool used by God to bring all back to God.
2. Preview — If all come to God there will be unity among all.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What prevented (in the past) the Jews and others from getting along?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:5) What does or did God give to them?
2. What is Paul asking they receive?
3. Is unity the most important thing we can have?
4. (15:6) What does “one accord” or “one mind” mean?
5. Some felt others were not doing right, what is being said?
6. What does “glorify” mean?
7. Does this mean doctrine is not important when we glorify God?
8. (15:7) Why is one to be accepted?
9. According to this verse what is one act of worship?
a. .
10. Does this verse say I can not have an opinion?
a. .
11. (15:8) Why did Christ become a servant to the Jews?
12. When what Paul preaches is rejected they (Jews) have rejected what?
13. (15:9-12) Why should the Gentile glorify God?
14. Before Christ what did the Gentiles not have.
a. .
15. Why do Christian have hope?
16. What is the hope a Christian has?
a. 8)
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What prevented (in the past) the Jews and others from getting along?
. Conclusion —

II. {Rom 15:14-21 }
. Introduction
1. Review — Unity is had by one, who has the right, not insisting on that right.
2. Preview — Why Paul wrote
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the foundation for Paul’s letters?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:14) Did the church need to know what was written to be “good”?
2. Was Paul flattering or commending the church?
a. .
3. (15:15-16) How has he written?
a. .
4. Did Paul tell them something that was new to them as a group?
5. Why did Paul feel he had the right to write?
a. .
6. Paul calls himself a minister (leitourgos), what is he saying?
7. What was Paul”s offering?
8. When they accepted the gospel they were what by who?
a. .
9. What does this say to those that said Paul was preaching error, i.e. the Gentiles were lost if they listen to Paul?
a. .
10. (15:17) Could Paul be proud that he had more “stars in his crown” than others?
11. As for the gospel what did Paul think he was?
a. .
12. (15:18-19) When Paul spoke what was he speaking about?
13. How did the Gentiles know of the gospel, i.e. how did they become obedient?
a. (non-miracle and miracle ).
14. (15:20-21) Who were the ones Paul preached?
a. .
15. Why did Paul preached where he did.
a. .
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the foundation for Paul’s letters?
1. .
. Conclusion —

III. {Rom 15:22-29}
. Introduction
1. Review — The problems have been solved, thus the church should grow.
2. Preview — Paul writes of future plans
. Question For Discussion?
1. Why should the christians in Rome help the christians in Jerusalem?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:22-24) Was Paul’s trips (plans) inspired?
2. What kept him from Rome?
3. When did Paul plan to go to Rome?
4. Did Paul plan on spending a long time in Rome?
5. Why was Paul going to Rome on his way to Spain?
6. (15:25-26) Where is Paul headed?
7. Why is Paul going there?
a. .
8. (15:26) Did they (the givers) give grudgingly, like it was a tax?
a. They were pleased to give
9. (15:27) Why did the givers have their attitude?
10. (15:28) Why did not come to Rome at this time
11. Did Paul go to Spain after he went to Jerusalem with the contribution?
12. (15:29) Was Paul in error when he said Christ would bless his trip to Rome?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (15:25-29) Why should the christians in Rome help the christians in Jerusalem?
1. .
. Conclusion —

IV. {Rom 15:30-33}
. Introduction
1. Review — Paul tells them why he is coming to them at that time.
2. Preview — What was needed and was wanted at that time.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What was required from them for Paul to have good rest?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:30) Paul ask for two things, what are they ?
2. What are the two things that will them unity?
a. Christ and the Spirit
3. Is this love for or of the Spirit; our love given to the Spirit (for) or the love given to us by the Spirit (of)? Why do you answer that way.
4. Why are they (the church) ask to do what they do?
5. (15:31) Paul had two request, what are they?
6. PONDER: Why was Paul concerned (acceptable) about his “service for Jerusalem”?
7. (15:32) What was necessary for him to have rest?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (15:30-33) What was required from them for Paul to have good rest?
. Conclusion —

V. {Rom 16:1-2}
. Introduction
1. Review — Have been told what was needed from them for him.
2. Preview — Here he mentions a person that may need help
. Question For Discussion?
1. Who is Phoebe?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:1) What relationship is Phoebe to Paul?
2. What relationship is Phoebe to the christian at Rome?
3. Was she an “official” of the church in Cenchrea?
a. .
4. (16:2) They ask to do two things, what are they?
a. .
5. What are the two reasons why she should be helped?
a. .
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:1-2) Who is Phoebe?
1. . Conclusion — .

VI. {Rom 16:3-16}
. Introduction
1. Review — Has told them what he needed and of a person that may need their help.
2. Preview — Paul list several that have helped him in the past.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What does this passage tell us about the church in Rome?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:3-5) Prisca is short for Priscilla. When do we first meet this couple?
a. At Corinth on Paul’s second trip (Acts 18:1-3)
2. What does v.4 tell us about this couple?
a. They put their life on the line for Paul, we are not when or where.
3. Is it wrong or right for a church not to have a building and thus meet in someone’s home?
a. If the doctrine is correct the place of meeting of meeting is not important.
b. The church in Rome may have meet in the home Prisca and Aquila for unless a trip was taken or a letter was written the people listed could not be greeted.
4. (16:7) What does this verse tell us about this couple?
a. They have been Jews or Paul’s kin; when this letter was written Paul was not a prisoner of the state so he is saying they are prisoners of Christ; they were “apostles”of the church in Rome; they were christian before Paul (this refutes eternal election).
5. (16:16) How were they to greet each other and does this apply to us?
a. They were greet other as society required but with sincerity; yes.
6. Is Paul saying all churches of Christ greet the church in Rome?
a. No just the ones he knew; if all the “greets” are not in Rome then it is only the ones mentioned
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:3-16)What does this passage tell us about the church in Rome?
1. It was filled workers that Paul knew
. Conclusion — ?

VII. {Rom 16:17-24}
. Introduction
1. Review — The church in Rome had some good workers
2. Preview — A warning to the church
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the church to do about false doctrine?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:17) Paul implies some are doing what?
a. They are stumbling blocks and may be teaching error
2. What are they to do?
a. Does not say dis-fellowship them but be aware of them and do not listen to them.
3. (16:18) Are this men bad or evil men?
a. No, they are self willed
4. What is the tool used by these men?
a. Smooth and flattering speech.
5. What is their target and how do I prevent being their target?
a. Those that do not how to apply what they know
6. (16:19) They challenged to what?
a. Wise in good; innocent in evil.
7. (16:20) What does soon or shortly mean?
a. Something that will happen in their lifetime
8. (16:20) PONDER: What is the event that is to happen?
a. The fall of the temple in Jerusalem which will get the Jews off their backs.
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:17-24) What is the church to do about false doctrine?
1. Do not judge the person but first judge the doctrine
. Conclusion — ?

VIII. {Rom 16:25-27}
. Introduction
1. Review — He gives a warning that some teach false doctrine
2. Preview — Closing
. Question For Discussion?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. “My gospel” is not the same as Christ’s gospel?
a. Paul is saying the gospel he preached is not the gospel of the Judaizers, it is the gospel of Christ, salvation for all.
2. What is the mystery that was revealed?
a. Gentiles and Jews were fellow-citizen in Christ’s kingdom

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —
. Conclusion —

IX. Conclusion — We come to end of Paul’s explanation of the plan of salvation

Monday, December 14, 2009

Romans - 12/13/2009

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

11. (14:16-17) What makes “good” to be called “evil”?
a. My action of using my liberty.
12. (14:18, 19) To keep the peace how far must I go to let another have his way.
a. I must not draw a line where God has not — I am not seeking man’s approval.
13. (14:20, 21) Who receives offense?
a. Not Jesus but the one thinking he is offending God.
14. When is what is not wrong evil?
a. When it makes another do what they think is wrong.
15. What should be the criteria for what I do that does not offended God?
a. If it makes my brother fall I will not do it.
16. (14:22, 23) Is it my convictions that determines right and wrong?
a. No, the phrase “before God” tells me God is the one that determines right and wrong.
17. Sin is defined as “to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honor, to do or go wrong”, when do I sin?
a. When I think I am even if others do not.
18. What is the principle that is used by Paul in this passage?
a. If it is not wrong in the mind of God it must not be wrong in my mind.
19. What is meant by “faith” in v.23?
a. Not salvation but they are convinced (conviction) they are pleasing God.
20. PONDER: Based on this passage I can be a “Dallas Cheer Leader” for the problem is with other’s thinking not mine.


D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the criteria for making an issue of something.
E. Conclusion —

XII. {Rom 15:1-4}
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul closes his section on the Application of Sanctification
2. Preview — This gives the reason for a Christian actions
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is a Christian’s goal for others?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:1) Who is the strong and who is the weak?
2. Is needing a list wrong or a sin?
3. Is having a list wrong or a sin?
4. (15:2) Does this verse say I will do all my neighbor wants to make him happy?
5. (15:3) Why will a Christian do verse 2?
6. (15:4) What are the two reasons given for what was “written in earlier times”?
7. What is expected of those to receive the two reasons
8. Does NT church need to study the OT. If so why?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is a Christian’s goal for others?
E. Conclusion — .

XIII. Conclusion for this section —

Monday, December 07, 2009

Romans - 12/6/2009

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

X. {Rom 14:10-12 }
A. Introduction
1. Review — Continuing on with matters of my strong opinions.
2. Preview — Why I must not judge a fellow saint.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why a Christian will not judge another Christian?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (14:10) What does “set at nought” (KJV) mean?
a. To make of no account, i.e. he is not worth listing to or giving heed.
2. What is the things they are doing or the one thing that produces the other.
a. Judging and/or holding in contempt.
3. Why must we not judge another?
a. God will be the judge of us and them
b. We read the Scripture and let them draw their own conclusion.
4. (14:11) What is used for support for verse 10?
a. The Old Testament (Isa 45:23)
5. (14:12) “So then” draws a conclusion, what is Paul’s conclusion?
a. I may not like something or I may have a strong opinion but I am not to say God likes or not unless I have BCV in context

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why a Christian will not judge another Christian?
1. God will judge the who judges and the judged.
E. Conclusion — I must let God be the judge — in his time.

XI. {Rom 14:13-23 }
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul is continuing on his discussion of the danger of strong convictions based on opinions not BCV.
2. Preview — Why I must allow one in Christ to have an opinion that is different the “truth”.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the criteria for making an issue of something.
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...n
1. (14:13) When I am convinced one is eating or drinking damnation, or what they eat or drink is not important, what should I first do?
a. I must not make them fall away.
2. What is an “obstacle or stumbling block”?
a. Exercising my rights or liberties that causes another to go against his conviction.
3. PONDER: Is Paul saying I will never judge one in Christ?
a. The “therefor” tells me the mind of God is to be the judge — not my opinion but the WORD is to judge
4. What is under discussion?
a. What one eats, drinks, or days observed — things that are not wrong or right in themselves.
5. (14:14) Can something “right” be wrong?
a. Yes, when I “think” it is wrong
6. What makes a “conviction” right or wrong?
a. How Christ feels about it.
7. Am I wrong when I “get mad and leave” when others do not see it “the right way”.
a. Yes, I will try to change “convictions” of others to see things God’s way not my way.
b. If “convictions” do not change I will leave but I will not be mad.
8. (14:15) When I make an issue of what God has not made an issue what is missing my walk.
a. Love
9. What is Not missing when I make an issue of what God makes an issue?
a. Love for souls
10. Why does one who loves not make an issue where God has not made an issue?
a. Because Christ died for the one that does not see it my way.
11. (14:16-17) What makes “good” to be called “evil”?
a. My action of using my liberty.


12. (14:18, 19) To keep the peace how far must I go to let another have his way.
13. (14:20, 21) Who receives offense?
14. When is what is not wrong evil?
15. What should be the criteria for what I do that does not offended God?
16. (14:22, 23) Is it my convictions that determines right and wrong?
17. Sin is defined as “to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honor, to do or go wrong”, when do I sin?
a. .
18. What is the principle that is used by Paul in this passage?
19. What is meant by “faith” in v.23?
20. PONDER: Based on this passage I can be a “Dallas Cheer Leader” for the problem is with other’s thinking not mine.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the criteria for making an issue of something.
E. Conclusion —

XII. {Rom 15:1-4}
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul closes his section on the Application of Sanctification
2. Preview — This gives the reason for a Christian actions
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is a Christian’s goal for others?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:1) Who is the strong and who is the weak?
2. Is needing a list wrong or a sin?
3. Is having a list wrong or a sin?
4. (15:2) Does this verse say I will do all my neighbor wants to make him happy?
5. (15:3) Why will a Christian do verse 2?
6. (15:4) What are the two reasons given for what was “written in earlier times”?
7. What is expected of those to receive the two reasons
8. Does NT church need to study the OT. If so why?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is a Christian’s goal for others?
E. Conclusion — .

XIII. Conclusion for this section —