Monday, December 07, 2009

Romans - 12/6/2009

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

X. {Rom 14:10-12 }
A. Introduction
1. Review — Continuing on with matters of my strong opinions.
2. Preview — Why I must not judge a fellow saint.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why a Christian will not judge another Christian?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (14:10) What does “set at nought” (KJV) mean?
a. To make of no account, i.e. he is not worth listing to or giving heed.
2. What is the things they are doing or the one thing that produces the other.
a. Judging and/or holding in contempt.
3. Why must we not judge another?
a. God will be the judge of us and them
b. We read the Scripture and let them draw their own conclusion.
4. (14:11) What is used for support for verse 10?
a. The Old Testament (Isa 45:23)
5. (14:12) “So then” draws a conclusion, what is Paul’s conclusion?
a. I may not like something or I may have a strong opinion but I am not to say God likes or not unless I have BCV in context

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why a Christian will not judge another Christian?
1. God will judge the who judges and the judged.
E. Conclusion — I must let God be the judge — in his time.

XI. {Rom 14:13-23 }
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul is continuing on his discussion of the danger of strong convictions based on opinions not BCV.
2. Preview — Why I must allow one in Christ to have an opinion that is different the “truth”.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the criteria for making an issue of something.
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...n
1. (14:13) When I am convinced one is eating or drinking damnation, or what they eat or drink is not important, what should I first do?
a. I must not make them fall away.
2. What is an “obstacle or stumbling block”?
a. Exercising my rights or liberties that causes another to go against his conviction.
3. PONDER: Is Paul saying I will never judge one in Christ?
a. The “therefor” tells me the mind of God is to be the judge — not my opinion but the WORD is to judge
4. What is under discussion?
a. What one eats, drinks, or days observed — things that are not wrong or right in themselves.
5. (14:14) Can something “right” be wrong?
a. Yes, when I “think” it is wrong
6. What makes a “conviction” right or wrong?
a. How Christ feels about it.
7. Am I wrong when I “get mad and leave” when others do not see it “the right way”.
a. Yes, I will try to change “convictions” of others to see things God’s way not my way.
b. If “convictions” do not change I will leave but I will not be mad.
8. (14:15) When I make an issue of what God has not made an issue what is missing my walk.
a. Love
9. What is Not missing when I make an issue of what God makes an issue?
a. Love for souls
10. Why does one who loves not make an issue where God has not made an issue?
a. Because Christ died for the one that does not see it my way.
11. (14:16-17) What makes “good” to be called “evil”?
a. My action of using my liberty.


12. (14:18, 19) To keep the peace how far must I go to let another have his way.
13. (14:20, 21) Who receives offense?
14. When is what is not wrong evil?
15. What should be the criteria for what I do that does not offended God?
16. (14:22, 23) Is it my convictions that determines right and wrong?
17. Sin is defined as “to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honor, to do or go wrong”, when do I sin?
a. .
18. What is the principle that is used by Paul in this passage?
19. What is meant by “faith” in v.23?
20. PONDER: Based on this passage I can be a “Dallas Cheer Leader” for the problem is with other’s thinking not mine.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the criteria for making an issue of something.
E. Conclusion —

XII. {Rom 15:1-4}
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul closes his section on the Application of Sanctification
2. Preview — This gives the reason for a Christian actions
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is a Christian’s goal for others?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (15:1) Who is the strong and who is the weak?
2. Is needing a list wrong or a sin?
3. Is having a list wrong or a sin?
4. (15:2) Does this verse say I will do all my neighbor wants to make him happy?
5. (15:3) Why will a Christian do verse 2?
6. (15:4) What are the two reasons given for what was “written in earlier times”?
7. What is expected of those to receive the two reasons
8. Does NT church need to study the OT. If so why?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is a Christian’s goal for others?
E. Conclusion — .

XIII. Conclusion for this section —


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