Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ROMANS – 09/27/09

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

1.    Paul’s letter to the Romans is written to Christians that were Jews and Gentiles and now he tackles the problem of living as one with a new master, LOC not LOM or any other law of merit
2.    As noted in our introduction to Paul’s letter to the church in Rome he had two major problem that must be resolved if the gospel was to replace the Law of Moses among its LOC disciples...
    a.    Salvation by faith, apart from works of the Law, will cause men to live in sin.
        i.    He had to stop and correct the tendency developing in the churches in Corinth and Galatia of adding the law of Christ (1Co 9:21) to the Law of Moses.
        ii.    Some today are inclined to add parts of the Law of Moses to the law of Christ.
    b.    Inform the disciples of the Law of Moses that God had not broken His promise and rejected the Jewish nation and their special and eternal relationship with Jehovah God.
3.    He has shown no one can say they are worthy of the purity required by God to be in His presents for eternity (Condemnation — Rom 1:18-3:20). Paul then established one is justified by the law of Christ not the Law of Moses [merit] (Justification — Rom 3:21-5:21). This did not sit well with those convinced salvation is by the Law of Moses and the law of Christ was an addition to the Law of Moses for the Gentiles only. Paul was told without the Law of Moses there was nothing to keep people from continuing in sin, thus, a law of merit was necessary and good. Paul offered proof the Law of Moses did not keep one from “struggling with (wanting to) sin”. (Sanctification — Rom 6:1- 8:39 and Vindication — Rom 9:1-11:36). Paul now discusses how one will live because they want to, not the Law of Moses. (Application of Sanctification — Rom 12:1-15:4)
Section Preview
1.    A Christian does what he does because he wants to
1.    Paul has shown all are sinners everyone needs help, the help had been offered, and those who have accepted the help God has offered will act differently because they want to.

I.    {Rom 12:1-2} Why a LOC Disciple does not need the LOM
     .    Introduction
        1.    Review —Has been proven everyone needs help to be sanctified. That help came in the form of Jesus. Paul now discusses how we who are Christians help the church, society, civil authority, neighbors, and weak brethren
        2.    Preview — In chapter 12 Paul discusses the church and society
     .    Question For Discussion?
        1.    What motivates a Christian?
     .    Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
        1.    What word or phrase informs that Paul is humble?
            a.    “I urge you”
        2.    What word or phrase  gives their motivation?
            a.    “mercies of God”
        3.    What word or phrase speaks of the dedication that is expected?
            a.    “present your bodies”
        4.    What word or phrase speaks of the obligation?
            a.    “spiritual service”
        5.    What word or phrase speaks of the non-conformation that is expected?
            a.    “not conformed to this world”
        6.    What word or phrase speaks of the change that is expected?
            a.    “transformed”
        7.    What word or phrase speaks of the attitude that is seen by others?
            a.    “that you may prove”
        8.    What does “therefore” refer to?
            a.    Everything we have that is covered in 11:33-36
        9.    Is Paul using his authority as an Apostle in this verse and the following? Why that answer.
            a.    NO! He is asking them to act as one with a new master that has mercy.
        10.    What does it is their “spiritual service” mean.
            a.    It is a service that is rational, it is thought out, the inward man is involved.
        11.    PONDER: Is there a difference between worship and service?
            a.    Worship is specific acts, service includes worship. All we do is service and we are to do what we do as if we are doing it for or to God
        12.    No Jew offered a dead sacrifice so what is meant by a “living sacrifice”?
            a.    Our body is dead to sin so we are to do what we do as one alive in Christ.
        13.    A follower of Christ is to be transformed not conform, what does that mean?
            a.    He is to follow the Bible not any man.
        14.    Who is responsible for the transformation?
            a.    The individual
        15.    PONDER: How is one transformed?
            a.    By reading the Bible and prayer to God
     .    Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (Rom 12 1-2) What motivates a Christian?
        1.    God’s mercies, i.e., salvation
     .    Conclusion — A Christian does what they do from love for God, not to earn salvation, or tradition. or because others do it. 

II.    {Rom 12:3-8} Christians have a work to do
     .    Introduction
        1.    Review — It is the “job”of each Christian to live their life in a manner pleasing to God,
        2.    Preview — How to live with other members of the local church
     .    Question For Discussion?
        1.    What enables a Christian to not think to highly of himself
     .    Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
        1.    (12:3) What is the warning given?
            a.    Not to think to highly of self, not saying have false humility.
        2.    (12:3) What is expected of each person?
            a.    They are to have sound judgement.
        3.    (12:3) What did Paul mean when he said grace was given to him.
            a.    The ability to know and explain God’s plan of salvation that did not include the LOM without thinking to highly of himself.
        4.    (12:3) PONDER: What does “measure of faith” mean?
            a.    Faith is a measuring instrument, we must not go beyond or less than the gospel, our source of faith.
        5.    (12:4-5) What is being used as example?
            a.    The human body
        6.    (12:4-5 What does “for” tell us?
            a.    Explaining why he wrote verse 3
        7.    (12:4) PONDER: What is the significance of “do not”?
            a.    I am not to measure myself by others or others by myself
        8.    (12:4-5) What does “so we” mean?
            a.    Making application of verse 3 and 4
        9.    (12:6-8) How should I look upon those that lead public singing good, pray public prayers good, etc.?
            a.    They are using what God has given them but God did not see fit to give me that responsibility or talent
        10.    PONDER: (12:6-8) What is the difference between a teacher then and today?
            a.    Then a teacher was inspired by God for the NT was not complete, thus, they needed help to not teach error.

     .    Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] [12:3-8] — What enables a Christian to not think to highly of himself
        1.    Knowing what he does or has is from God and he must not allow himself to think he is most important thing in the gospel
     .    Conclusion — Do what one does to please God not man.

III.    {Rom 12:9-13} Christians care about all people especially Christians
     .    Introduction
        1.    Review — It is the “job”of each Christian to live their life in a manner pleasing to God.
        2.    Preview — A Christian as a neighbor
     .    Question For Discussion?
        1.    How does a Christian treat others, who are also disciples?
     .    Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
        1.    (12:9) What is love with hypocrisy?
            a.    It is pretended love, it is willing to serve love.
        2.    (12:9) How does one abhor what is evil?
            a.    Find it to be repugnant and tell the person it is so.
            b.    Do not soft soap sin but hate sin
            c.    Evil is not (12:(determined by majority but by God.
        3.    (12:9) How does one cling to good?
            a.    More than hating evil but loving what God calls good.
            b.    More than the consequences of sin but love what God loves.
        4.    (12:10) What is “brotherly love”
            a.     In the NT the love which Christians cherish for each other as brethren
        5.    (12:10) Why do Christians have brotherly love?
            a.    All have the same Maker all come from Adam and Eve; or

            b.    They are all Christian, i.e. they are saved the same way.
        6.    (12:10) PONDER: Who is my brother?
            a.    Everyone but staying in context Paul is talking about those who have accepted Christ.
        7.    (12:10) What does “preference” mean (read other versions)?
            a.    To lead the way for others, that is, show deference: - to go before and show the way, to go before and lead, to go before as a leader.
        8.    (12:10) What is a Christian to do?
            a.    Give honor to who honor is due especially if they are of Christ.
        9.    (12:11) What is a Christian to do?
            a.    Not be slow in being obedient to the Lord
        10.    (12:12) How is a Christian to act or be when bad things happen to them?
            a.    Rejoice (not giggle) perceiver, pray; not seek others



        11.    (12:12) What does hope mean?
        12.    (12:12) What does tribulation mean?
        13.    (12:12) What does prayer mean?
        14.    (12:13) What is member of the church do?
            a.    When a member has a need he helps and is eager to receive guest, including members that are strangers
     .    Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (12:9-13) How does a Christian treat others, who are also disciples?
        1.    As a member of their family
     .    Conclusion — A Christian is one that is eager to serve others who are Christians

IV.    {Rom 12:14-21} Christians in society
     .    Introduction
        1.    Review — Paul has addressed how a disciple will treat a disciple, now he moves on.
        2.    Preview — How a disciple will treat those not a disciple
     .    Question For Discussion?
        1.    How a disciple will treat those not a disciple?
     .    Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
        1.    (12:14) What can a Christian expect (cf. 2Ti 3:12)?
        2.    (12:14) How is a Christian to react to those who persecute?
        3.    PONDER: How is a Christian to react to persecution?
        4.    (12:14) Is a Christian not use bad language even if others do so?
        5.    (12:14) What is a Christian to do when they are cursed
        6.    PONDER: What do you think is the greatest blessing we can give another?
            a.    .
        7.    (12:15) When my neighbor gets a new car how should a Christian react?
            a.    . Should not have envy
        8.    (12:15) When my neighbor has a death in their family how should a Christian react.
            a.    .
        9.    (12:16) KJV has “condescend” NASB has “associate”, is there a difference?
        10.    (12:16) What is Paul saying?
        11.    (12:17) When one returns evil for evil who are they serving?
        12.    (12:17) Is a Christian to be a “men pleaser”?
        13.    (12:17)Does a Christian have the right to determine if an action is right or wrong? What standard is to be used.
        14.    (12:18) Does “peace with all men” mean we sacrifice truth to have peace?
        15.    (12:19) Why should a Christian not seek vengeance?
        16.    (12:20) Explain verse 20.
            a.    .
        17.    (12:21) If I do evil who do I serve?

     .    Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — [Rom 12:14-21]How a disciple will treat those not a disciple?
        1.    Not as if they are superior but as an equal
     .    Conclusion — Our purpose is to build up Christ not ourselves


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