Monday, July 06, 2009

Romans - July 06, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

8. (10:9) What is significance of Christ being raised from the dead?
a. He is deity
9. PONDER: (10:9) What is keeping these LOM Christians from being saved?
a. The idea that Christ was the end of the LOM.
10. (10:9) Is Paul saying there is two steps to being saved or one step, i.e., what is the function “and”?
a. “And” is a conjunction, thus one step. Cannot say Jesus is Lord unless one believes He was raised from the dead.
11. (10:10) What is the function of “for”?
a. Gives a reason
12. PONDER: (10:10) Can a person who believes Jesus was raised by God not have salvation?
a. The power of “for”. The person that really believes Jesus was raised by God will live for his master, thus, have salvation.
13. (10:11) What does Paul use to support his argument of 10:10?
a. OT. The person who believes in Christ well not be put to shame.
14. (10:12-13) What did the LOM do that the LOC does not do?
a. Made a distinction Jew and Greek
15. (10:13) This verse quotes Joel 2:32 what is the significance of this?
a. The OT told them the LOM was not God’s last plan.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOC had to replace LOM?
1. .
E. Conclusion —

VIII. {Rom 10:14-21} The function of Proclaimer
A. Introduction
1. Review — .
2. Preview —
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (10:14)What is the “brand” of Christian chapter 9, 10, and 11 is addressing?
2. (10:14) What is a preacher?
3. (10:14) PONDER: What was preached that they should have belived?
4. (10:14) Based on the problem and what Paul has written when should they have belived?
5. (10:15) Who did the sending?
6. (10:16) What was Isaiah’s complaint?
7. (10:17)How does one get faith?
8. (10:17) What was missing from LOM Chtistian’s doctrine?
a. .
9. (10:18) Did LOM Christian have a reason for their not knowing?
10. PONDER (10:18) What does tell us is the real problem with the LOM Christian?
a. .
11. (10:18-19)If 18 is generic, it is, who is 19 addressing?
a. .
12. (10:20) Who is Isaiah talking about?
13. (10:21) Who is Isaiah talking about?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
1. .
E. Conclusion — .


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