Friday, July 03, 2009

Romans - July 03, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

(9:17) What is the significance of the 1st and 2nd “for” in this verse?
a. There is a connection with the previous statement (9:16) i.e., giving a reason or support that what God does not depend on man’s desire.
10. (9:17) What are your thoughts on the phrased “I raised you up...”
a. “Raised” = G1825; to arouse, raise up (from sleep); to rouse up, stir up, incite.
b. To stir up or incite best suits the text. We are not told how Pharaoh was incited to reject God. To suggest it was by direct action (had to) is speaking where the Bible does not speak.
11. (9:17) PONDER: In light of what Paul has said, was God unfair in His dealings with Pharaoh, i.e., could Pharaoh let God’s people go after the water turned to blood, or did Pharaoh have to continue rejecting God’s will?
a. The issue is not if Pharaoh is saved or lost (obeyed or rejected God); nor is the issue what is fair or unfair; nor is the issue Pharaoh’s personality (hard headed). The issue is was God’s power seen? In my opinion it was not how Pharaoh willed or what he did (runs) but God’s choice to have Pharaoh do what he did. Pharaoh was a Pawn on the chess board of salvation through Jesus the Christ our Lord.
b. Paul is not discussing how one is saved but showing his audience merciful God does what is best to bring about salvation for all of mankind through Jesus the Christ our Lord — i.e., vindicating God’s actions that are contrary to man’s wants.
12. (9:17) PONDER: What do you feel would have been the results if Pharaoh had let the people go when Moses first ask?
a. There would not have been a contest, thus, God’s power would not have been demonstrated.
b. Pharaoh would be seen as a most noble and kind king to Israel.
c. God’s people would not have been run out of Egypt — would have come back and remained slaves of the state and may have become “Egyptianised”.
13. (9:18) What does this statement do to the Jew’s concept, “God owes us salvation?”
a. Once again it is shown God (who is the definition of merciful) decides who is worthy of and the means of establishing the promised salvation [Gen 3:15].
14. (9:18) Does this verse support the TULIP doctrine God has determine specific individuals who are saved or not saved? Why that answer?
a. This section is not about God’s plan of salvation (who is saved and who is lost) but showing “LOM Christians” God has the right to determine how one is saved, i.e., the LOM has been replaced with the Law Of Christ. [cf. 1Co 9:21]

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How did God justify His decision regarding Pharaoh?
1. God (creator of Time, Space, and Mass) does not seek to justify His actions. God, who is the example of real mercy and compassion, does what is best for the salvation of mankind, even if mankind (who does not understand real mercy and compassion) does not agree.
E. Conclusion — Based on history the Christian, who are influenced by the LOM, have just been told they do not have the ability, knowledge, or wisdom to suggest or say God’s plan of salvation through Christ, thus, replacing the LOM, is not the right thing to do.
OBSERVATION: Idiom of "doing is allowing" : Act 13:29 (Mat 27:57-60); Ezel 20:25 (Rom 1:24-28). Pharaoh himself hardened his heart five times (Exodus 7:13,14,22; 8:15,32; 9:7); then God hardened him (9:12); them Pharaoh hardened himself (9:34-35); then God hardened him five more times (10:1,20,27; 11:10; 14:8). God put Pharaoh in a position of power, but Pharaoh chose [under the influence of the court magicians; 2 Tim. 3:8] to resist God, i.e. God did not force Pharaoh to resist Him

IV. {Rom 9:19-29} 3rd of 3 Arguments — God’s choosing does not remove man’s responsibility.
A. Introduction
1. Review — To this point Paul has shown God makes His choices on what is necessary to fulfil the promise of Gen 3:15 providing the means for mankind back into a positive relationship with Him — providing the way for disobedient man to enter into God’s presence. He has shown the plan of salvation is not by the who is “first born” among stepbrothers, nor by who is “first born” among twin brothers, nor a weak people over a power people. God chooses who He chooses without man’s input of what is fair and logical (9:16).
2. Preview — Those seeking to justify their position that the “law of Christ” (Gospel Plan of Salvation) applies to non-Jews but not those of the chosen nation pull their last arrow from their quiver — change the direction and put Paul on the defense. The arrow: “Paul’s argument is weak for no man can go against God, thus, Paul’s position has not removed the obvious fact Paul is saying God is less than honest for He requires more than the LOM to provide salvation to the Jews (nation of Israel).” Paul’s response is, “What makes you think you can be the judge of God’s actions in His effort to save all men?”
a. Today many have the same attitude as did these “LOM Christians”; “God will accept what I feel brings salvation — for you to say otherwise is to reject God’s gift of love for all mankind, thus, hold in contempt God’s gift of Christ’s death on the cross and required works (expending effort) not Grace. The problem is a failure to distinguish between works of merit [LOM] and works of obedience [Gospel].
B. Question For Discussion?
1. How does Paul respond to those rejection his logical response to the position God had not failed the Jews (being two faced) by expecting them to accept Christ’s plan of salvation?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. What does Paul use to support his position God has not failed the Jew (9:6)
a. The Old Testament, namely the Book of Hosea.
b. The Book of Hosea stresses the falling away of God’s people and God’s plan for bringing all men to a spiritual reuniting with God — Mankind’s only hope is God’s mercy. Paul stresses that hope is the Gospel and not the LOM
2. (9:16) What does this verse ask and suggest about one that would ask such a question?
a. As Pharaoh can attest God cannot be resisted, thus, God is unfair for God to find fault with anyone..
3. (9:16) What does this verse suggest about the attitude of one asking this question?
a. Suggest the one asking such a question is not seeking truth but support for their position — i.e., Paul’s doctrine (Gospel) is not God’s doctrine (LOM).
4. (9:16) Does this verse support the L in TULIP (salvation is Limited to only a few)?
a. The issues under consideration is not salvation but the fulfilling of Gen 3:15), i.e. providing a plan for renuting all mankind with God.
5. (9:20) Did Paul answer the question presented in 9:10? If not what did Paul do?
a. NO! Paul rebuked the asker for thinking he, the created, and the right to question the Creator for His actions.
6. PONDER: How does 9:21 fit, if it does, with the stepbrothers, the twins, Pharaoh, or any of God’s actions?
a. While we may be able to justify God’s choices, God did not make His choices based on what mankind may justify or not justify. God the Creator did what God the Creator knew was required to provide the Gospel Plan of Salvation.
b. It is not our place to justify or criticize God’s killing of men, women, and children to provide the perfect sacrifice.
7. PONDER: Is what God did in the Old Testament any different than what Muslims are doing today? Why that answer?
a. It is different. God is the Creator and He was developing a plan (filling a promise) for mankind’s salvation. The Muslims do not claim their actions are done by the Creator, nor do they claim it is for mankind’s salvation but for the establishment of a religion.
8. (9:21) Reminds of Jer 18:1-12. What is the message of Jermiah? How does it apply?
a. The message of Jermiah is God has the right to do as he chooses as he sees fit since he created us. God has choosen the Law of Moses to be replaced by the Law of Christ at this time in history.
9. (9:22-24) Why has God NOT done so earlier since the nation has been fitted, their choice not God’s, for destruction for a long time?
a. God has shown he is not afraid to use his power nor is he afraid to not use his power when mercy is what is best, i.e. the plan of salvation for all.
10. PONDER: Why did God send Jesus?
a. So the Jews and non-Jews could be saved, it was not a nation but individuls.
11. PONDER: Why has Jesus not returned?
a. God’s mercy is allowing everyone that wants to be saved to be saved.
12. (9:25-26) What is the message of Hosea? How does this vindicate God?
a. Individuals not nations have the power to pick their future. The is the message that has been revealed. God has choosen some of the Jews to bring the message of salvation to all.
13. (9:27-29) What does Paul say about Isaiah’s message about Paul’s work among non-Jews, not making the gentiles become obedient to the Law?
a. If it was not for the few the gospel plan would not be known and the jews would receive what they have earned.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — “How does Paul respond to those rejecting his logical response to the position God had not failed the Jews (being two faced) by expecting them to accept Christ’s plan of salvation?”
1. He uses OT scripture to show he is doing God’s work.
E. Conclusion — Paul, even if rejected by the people, is not rejected by God and God has not rejected his people for God,as our creator, has the right to do as he had done.

V. {Rom 9:30 -33} Conclusion of 3 Arguemts
A. Introduction
1. Review — Up to this point Paul has presented both logical and emotionial, based on OT, showing God had the right to do as he has done — replaced LAW with the gospel.
2. Preview — Now a conclusion is drawn, based on argument just finshed, why the old was replaced and their reaction was expected
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why the Jew’s did not received salvation and the Gentiles did?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (9:30)What were the Jew’s seeking, according to Paul?
a. They were seeking salvation by obeying the LAW of works.
2. (9:30)What did the Gentiles receive and how?
a. Received salivation without looking for it;(Rom 6:17-18); by faith.
3. (9:31-33) Why was LOM not sufficient for the jews but was for the gentiles?
a. The jews were trying to be righteous, as was Jesus by earning it, and they fell short but would not admit it.
4. (9:33) What does this mean?
a. (1Co 1:23, Mat 11:6)

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the Jew’s did not received salvation and the Gentiles did? The jews were seeking salvation by accepting him not his plan, the gentiles accepted Christ’s plan, i.e. the death of Jesus was not the end of the plan.
E. Conclusion — The gentiles could see why Jesus died the jews could not

VI. {Rom 10:1-4} LOM enabled one to be righteous in man’s sight, only LOC enables one be righteous in God’s sight.
A. Introduction
1. Review — To LOM Christian Paul has shown, via. OT, God chose the Jew’s becaused it served his purposed. God did not chose LOM to make one righteous as the Jews were mis-taught.
2. Preview — Christ and his law is the only way one can be saved, made righteous.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What did the LOM Christian miss and why?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (10:1) What does this verse tell us Paul is not, as it relates to the Jew’s?
a. He is not an apostate. He wants his brethren saved.
2. (10:1) What did Paul not pray for in this verse that LOM Christian wanted?
a. They would be given a special plan of salvation. A plan they not belive in the one they rejected or one giving them additional proof; (they be saved in their unbelief).
3. (10:2) What was lacking in the LOM Christion knowledge?
a. An understanding of what they read in their writings, the OT, as seen by Paul’s quotes.
4. (10:3) Of what were they ignorant?
a. Not that God was righteous but the how.
5. (10:3) What did this lack of knowlege cause?
a. They establish their own system of how one became righteous.
6. (10:3) What was the root problem with their system?
a. Their system became more important then God’s.
7. (10:3) What does Paul suggest is the reason the LOM Christion did not accept the LOC.
a. They had rejected the LOC, thus, they were lost.
8. (10:3) Paul says they did not know (ignorant), why were they such?
a. It must be the way they were taught for Paul has told them only what is found in OT.
9. PONDER: Can one be taught wrong and believe correctly?
a. Not unless they reject what they were taught.
10. (10:3-4) What was missing in their plan of salvation?
a. Faith in Christ
11. (10:4) What did the LOM not remove?
a. GUILT of sin (cf. Rom 7:23f)
12. (10:4) What did Chist do?
a. Removed the LOM to those that believed?
13. (10:4) What does this verse mean to those keeping LOM?
a. LOM has been removed but the effect is known only by those who believe in Christ
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What did the LOM Christian miss and why?
1. They chose to accept their plan and reject God’s plan, thus, accept the guilt of sin and reject salvation in their zeal to serve their fathers.
E. Conclusion — The LOC does what the LOM could not do, remove guilt

VII. {Rom 10:5-13} Why the LOM Christian does not have salvation.
A. Introduction
1. Review — It has been shown all have earned Condemnation, have been Justived by God, thus we now live a Sanctifed Life that does not include works of merit. This does set well with LOM Christion who feel LOM helps keep one in line (Rom 6:1) and is still neccesary for salvation, to teach otherwise is to call God a liar and to be an apostate. Paul has paused his logical examation of the Gospel to Vindicate God (Chapters 9,10, and 11); God’s choice of the Gospel as the ONLY means of Salvation.
2. Preview — As the man of Romans 7:25 has made clear LOM cannot make one righteous, and all LOM Christians knows this is true.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why the LOC had to replace LOM?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (10:5)What did Moses write?
a. (Lev 18:5
2. (10:5) What did Paul say Moses’ meant?
a. Perfect obedience was required for one to be righteous.
3. PONDER:(10:5) Did the LOM Christian think anyone had done what Moses’ said?
a. NO; They were still looking for a Christ, thus, the LOM was still the plan of salvation.
4. (10:6-7) Paul is quoting Deu 30:12-14 and making application(. What does those who are righteous not do?
a. They do not look for the Christ for they know he has already come.
5. (10:8) Why do those who are not LOM Christians not ask questions of 10:6-7
a. They have accepted the “word of faith” as the source of righteous.
6. (10:9) What must the LOM Christian do?
a. Confess and believe
7. (10:9) What is meant by “Jesus as Lord”
a. Jesus, who was killed as a fake, is my master.
8. (10:9) What is significance of Christ being raised from the dead?
a. He is deity

9. PONDER: (10:9) What is keeping these LOM Christians from being saved?
10. (10:9) Is Paul saying there is two steps to being saved or one step, i.e., what is the function “and”?
11. (10:10) What is the function of “for”?
12. PONDER: (10:10) Can a person who believes Jesus was raised by God not have salvation?
13. (10:11) What does Paul use to support his argument of 10:10?
a. .
14. (10:12-13) What did the LOM do that the LOC does not do?
15. (10:13) This verse quotes Joel 2:32 what is the significance of this?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOC had to replace LOM?
1. .
E. Conclusion —

VIII. {Rom 10:14-21} The function of Proclaimer
A. Introduction
1. Review — .
2. Preview —
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (10:14)What is the “brand” of Christian chapter 9, 10, and 11 is addressing?
2. (10:14) What is a preacher?
3. (10:14) PONDER: What was preached that they should have belived?
4. (10:14) Based on the problem and what Paul has written when should they have belived?
5. (10:15) Who did the sending?
6. (10:16) What was Isaiah’s complaint?
7. (10:17)How does one get faith?
8. (10:17) What was missing from LOM Chtistian’s doctrine?
a. .
9. (10:18) Did LOM Christian have a reason for their not knowing?
10. PONDER (10:18) What does tell us is the real problem with the LOM Christian?
a. .
11. (10:18-19)If 18 is generic, it is, who is 19 addressing?
a. .
12. (10:20) Who is Isaiah talking about?
13. (10:21) Who is Isaiah talking about?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
1. .
E. Conclusion — .


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