Monday, February 09, 2009

Romans - February 8, 2009

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

14. PONDER: Does God’s promise to never stop loving us mean He will not punish us (make us accountable for our un-confessed sins)? Explain.
a. Accountability is not an issue of loving or not loving but of obedience to God’s law (commandments). There are consequences for actions, e.g., a parent that loves their child will make the consequences for violations clear. Our pure God, to those he loves, has established and made known eternal consequences for rejecting salvation, thus, receiving His wrath.
15. (8:36) Why did Paul quote Psalm 44:22?
a. It has always been the lot of God’s followers to be persecuted and will continue to be the situation and God has never ceased loving his followers.
16. PONDER: If the things listed at 8:35 do not mean God is mad at us or loves us less; then what does it mean?
a. It means this is the price we pay for being alive in the world — Satan’s domain.

No reason for an obedient child of God to doubt their salvation or question if Heaven will be their home for eternity. Nothing can remove the love God has for us. Friends, kin, and even we ourselves, may stop loving us; but God will never stop loving us — “no if, ands, or buts”. We may forsake him but he will never forsake us. [Heb13:5].
PONDER: How can a loving God send those He loves to Hell?
Answer: He loves the person and hates the action and has informed the person the consequences of their action. A parent punishes a child out of love not hate.

17. (8:37) What are the “things”?
a. The things covered by the previous rhetorical questions.
18. (8:37) What is meant by “more than conquerors”?
a. Not just victorious but greatly victorious — the victory is not by the skin of our teeth.
19. (8:37) What is the meaning of “through”?
a. A primary preposition denoting the channel of an act.
20. (8:37) What enables the readers to be more that just conquerors?
a. Because of Deity’s love baptized believers can be assured they are victorious — i.e., it is not by their efforts in keeping a law merit. (cf. Rom 7:24).

Those serving God, not Satan, know (should know) they are winners in the battle with Satan for their soul.

21. (8:38-39) What is the meaning of “persuaded” [“convinced]? (indicative mood; perfect tense; passive voice.)
a. To convince by argument — be it true or false.
b. Paul is declaring in the past he positively has seen the true evidence and or true arguments to know the items mentioned will not separate them from God.
22. (8:38-39) PONDER: Is Paul saying the items mentioned will not make us stop loving God or he is saying the items mentioned will not make God stop loving us?


23. What does the items listed have in common, i.e., what is the class of listed items?
24. (8:39) As used here “in” (G1722, en) denotes a fixed position where something takes place — i.e., the sphere where something happens rather than the instrument or channel something happened. What is the significance of Chapter 8 ending and beginning with “in Christ” as it relates to the man of 7:24?
25. While God loves all He has created there are five benefits granted only to those obedient to God’s plan of salvation, i.e. those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus, thus, are walking in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-4) What are they? [cf. Rom 8:1; 14; 16; 24; 26)
26. What is the significance of saying “Christ Jesus our Lord”
27. The fact under no condition will a child of God be separated from God’s love mean a child of God cannot be lost, i.e., not go to heaven?
28. PONDER: Will any of God’s children miss Heaven, i.e., be is Hell?
29. PONDER: Can one who has never seen or talked with Christ one on one, as did Paul, really become as persuaded or convinced as Paul there is nothing to cause Deity to stop loving His greatest creation?


E. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the justified know they “are more than conquerors”? That is to ask, Can we know Deity left no stone un-turned providing the justified the means to be winners, thus, know even in times of stress and doubt they are winners?
F. Conclusion —

XVIII. Section Conclusion (Sanctification Rom 6:1-8:39) —


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