Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Romans - November 16, 2008

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

B. Question For Discussion?
1. How can the Justified endure suffering?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:17) What class or type of suffering is being addressed?
a. There is suffering that is common to daily life and there is suffering with Christ. Jesus was tempted (suffered) as we do, thus, empathizes with our suffering, but such does not bring glory. Suffering that brings glory is suffering with Christ.
2. (8:17) How does one suffer with Christ? (cf. 2TI 3:10-12}
a. Suffering for and refusing to compromise ones stand on and defense of Christ’s gospel — Truth.
b. Jesus suffered then was glorified — The justified can be assured they will suffer.
As children the readers are heirs of God, thus, will suffer with and be glorified with Christ.
3. (8:18) Does Paul’s “reckon” or consider” carry any weight on what is of value or worth — if so why?
a. Yes, Paul is inspired by God(1Co 2:10-13) and also in his fourth letter (Romans is sixth letter) he records an event regarding heaven (2Co 12:2).
4. (8:18) While suffering has little worth it does have a purpose, consider: 2CO 4:17; JAM 1:2-3; 1Pe 1:6-7)
a. {2CO 4:17} Whether afflictions are those of life or “suffering with Jesus” they are “momentary” and “light”; when compared with the “eternal weight of glory”.
b. {JAM 1:2-3} Suffering or obstacles work for our benefit, lets us know the source of our dependence — self or God...
(1) “testing”[“proving”, “trying”] = 1383.; n.; Proving coin test.
(2) “endurance” [“patience”] = 5281.; n.; steadfast, constancy.
c. {1PE 1:6-7} Trials and afflictions purify us from assurance in self by driving us to communicate with God (reading the Word and prayer)...
(1) Develop an attitude of need for and dependence upon God.
d. (1Pe 1:7b) Develops virtues necessary for entrance into heaven.
Paul, a man inspired by the Holy Spirit, a man having seen and heard things he cannot tell, says heaven far surpasses what this life offers — it would be foolhardy to reject his testimony because I have not seen or heard it first hand.
5. (8:19) What is the meaning of “earnest expectation” [“anxious longing”]?
a. “anxious longing” — G603. apokaradokia; anxious and persistent expectation; waiting with an outstretched hand; waiting for something you knew was coming (e.g. Income Tax Refund)
6. (8:19) What is the meaning of “creation” or “creature”?
a. “creation” — G2937. ktisis; n.; original formation; used in variety of ways, only context can give correct meaning...
(1) Material creation {Rom 1:20,25; Col 1:15}
(2) Humanity in general, i.e., everything having an eternal soul {Mar 16:15; Col 1:23}
(3) Christians as a group and as individuals {Gal 6:15; 2Co 5:17}
7. Who are “the sons of God”?
a. Those who really belong to Christ, those who are not condemned (8:1).
Staying with the context of why one is no longer wretched because of Christ the creation’s response assures the justified (the ex-wretched) heaven is worth the suffering.


8. {ROM 8:20-23} Four views or positions regarding (what it is) “the creation that anticipates” the revealing and deliverance of the sons of God considered...
a. Millennialist view of the creation – Earth will be made new when Christ returns and sets up His earthly (physical) kingdom...
(1) Scriptures clearly show kingdom (abstract noun meaning “rule”) now exits and there will not be a physical kingdom (concrete noun) set up [Mar 9:1; Act 2:30,33; Col 1:13; et al.].
(2) Scriptures teach the earth will be destroyed when Christ returns [2Pe 3:1-13; Rev 21:1] — Time, Space, Mass cease.
b. The creation is the unredeemed portion of humanity...
(1) Not likely for the unredeemed will not be “set free...into freedom of glory”. [8:21]
(2) This portion of humanity will be delivered into condemnation [Joh 5:29; Heb 10:27], thus, they are not “waiting eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God” [8:19]
c. The creation is the church...
(1) {8:19,23} Creation is a group separate from “sons of God”.
(a) (8:23) “firstfruits” does not mean ones who first receive fruits (Apostles) , but those receiving “best fruit” — those receiving salvation (sons of God) [1Co 15:20; Col 1:18].
d. The creation is the personification of the physical creation...
(1) Creation longing for time when its purpose has been served...
(a) {Cf. 8:20 w/ GEN 3:17-18} Adam’s sin had a negative impact on creation — this globe is in physical turmoil.
(b) {PSA 114:1-8} Earth’s reaction when Israel left Egypt.
(c) Also see {PSA 96:12; 98:8} & [Isa 35:1; 55:12].
(2) When all of God’s children leave this “vail of tears” to enter the spiritual Promise Land the rejoicing will surpass rejoicing when God’s children left Egyptian bondage to enter physical Promise Land for the spiritual is superior to the physical
View four (d) seems to have less problems than the other three views.
9. (8:24) What is the meaning of “hope” as used here?
10. (8:24) What, in this place, is meant by seen and sees?
11. PONDERING: What is there about “the hope” (redemption) that prevents it from being in the possession of a Christian at this time. (Consider the realm of the Christians and the realm of the hope.)
12. (8:24) Considering 8:23 as the reason or foundation for 8:24, what is “not “hope”? What is “hope”?
Suffering does not damping the Christian’s positive confidence in their unseen, but promised, salvation (redemption).
13. (8:25) What is the meaning of “patience” as used here?
14. (8:25) What, as used here, is the meaning of “wait”?
15. (8:25) What is the “it”?
Informs why those in Christ, led by the Spirit, testified by the Spirit as being children have positive confidence in the “hope” — are actively looking forward to the promised glory, the released from their physical bodies.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the Justified endure suffering?
E. Conclusion —

XV. {Rom 8:26-27} Fifth Argument — He intercedes


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