Monday, October 20, 2008

Romans - October 19, 2008

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

14. (8:10) Is “dead” and “life” referring to physical, spiritual, or something else?
a. The body (outward man) is dead to the influence of sin and the spirit (inward man) is alive to the influence of Christ, thus, doing what please God.
(1) The outward man will experience physical death with or without sin, what is being addressed is the avenue of attack used by sin is the body (flesh).
b. {Rom 6:11-12} It is possible for a baptized believer to allow sin to once again reign in their body — to allow their body to be influenced by sin.
c. Christians are righteous because their inward man (spirit) has a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
OBSERVATION: (8:10) The request made at 7:22-24 has been fulfilled for those influenced by Christ, thanks to the relationship they have with the Trinity (v.9), thus, have been set free from flesh being their master (the outward man is in control); they can now serve God with their spirit (inward man is in control).
15. (8:11) The conflict of 7:16 is the inward man wants to serve God but the outward man will not let him. How does this verse prevent the doctrine that our relationship with the Holy Spirit means the inward man can serve God and the outward man can or will continue to serve evil and will not impact their spending eternity with God?
a. Inward man’s relationship with the Spirit gives us the power to do what the Law could not do, the power to control the outward man (cf. Rom 8:13; 2Co 4:11)
(1) Those in Christ do not need the Law of Moses to make them us righteous.
OBSERVATION (8:11) The consequences for those set free from the body of spiritual death (the outward man as their master) they will also receive life in their physical body, i.e., the outward man will be influenced by the inward man because of Holy Spirit’s influencing relationship (dwelling) with the inward man — the inward man will have the power to control the outward man. (Do not see any reason for Paul to address the future resurrection of our current body at Christ’s return in this context.)
16. (8:12-13) When a disciple of Christ is obligated to the flesh does this mean they are obligated to do evil?
a. No. It means they must live as the desires of the flesh dictate, i.e. feelings and desires (outward man) determine what is good and bad.
17. (8:12-13) What is meant by “shall die”?
a. Not physical death for all die a physical death, but spiritual death (separation from God).
18. What is the eternal consequences of being obligated to the flesh?
a. Eternal separation from God, your spirit ( inward man) will not be with God.
19. PONDER: Does “putting to death the deeds of the body” mean just stop doing evil?
a. No. It means you must stop letting the body determine what is right and wrong, for you now have a new authority to determine right and wrong, you do not search the Scriptures to justify what you are doing. The Word of God determines what is right, something is not right because the Word of God agrees with the old authority; the old authority is right because it agrees with the Word of God.
The readers do not have an obligation or a debt to serve the outward man, to strive to please the outward man, to live according to the desired (be they good or bad) of the flesh. For living as if you have a relationship with (serving) the flesh you will die spiritually, if you live as if you have a relationship with (serving) the Holy Sprit you will not die a spiritual death.
20. In what sphere of influence does a son of God live?
a. Son of God is influenced (led) by the Holy Spirit, not the sphere of the flesh.
21. Paul does not inform how one is lead by the Holy Spirit, why not?
a. Letter is addressed to those who have obeyed the gospel (Rom 1: 6; 16) and his goal is not to show how the Holy Spirit leads but to show them the Holy Spirit is active in their sanctification (being sons of God) because they have obeyed the gospel — God salvation and sanctification power (Rom 1:16).
b. No reason to think Paul is suggesting something besides the gospel is required, for example, the Holy Spirit is working independent of the gospel, for he began by stating the purpose of the gospel (good news of Christ) — it is God salvation power.


Those belonging to God are lead by the Holy Spirit, not feelings, emotions, or desires (be they good or bad) of the flesh. If one ceases to walk in the sphere of Holy Spirit influenced they cease being a son of God, even if they have been baptized to receive remission of their sins.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What does being led by the Holy Spirit mean?
E. Conclusion —

XIII. {Rom 8:15-16} Third Argument
A. Introduction
1. Review — The rectorial question (?) of Rom 6:1-2 has as its foundation Paul’s position justification is by grace, not by any law of merit; including the Law of Moses (Rom 5:15). Those adherents to the concept only a law of merit (Law of Moses) can prevent a person from continuing in sin have suggest without the LOM people will continue to sin because they can. Paul’s position is grace is the means to be Justified before God and grace is also the means to be Sanctified, live a life where sin is not the master, sin is not the standard to be followed. Paul has shown those under a law of merit are not truly free from the guilt of sin — the only way to be free is by the way of Christ (Rom 7:24-25). To this place in Romans 8 Paul has presented two arguments to support his position they are sanctified because they have received Divine help: 1) (8:1-4) Thanks to Jesus Christ there is no condemnation, 2) (8:5-14) Sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit.
2. Preview — (Rom 8:15-16) What the Holy Spirit does for the sons of God (8:14).
B. Question For Discussion?
1. How can those freed from the law of merit know, during trying struggles and conflicts, they are God’s children, thus, not be “wretched”?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:15) PONDER: Are they son of God because they received the Spirit?
2. (8:15) Does the word “again” have significance, if so, what is the significance?
3. (8:15) What does Paul mean when he says they received — i.e., how do they receive what they receive, did they have a choice?
4. (8:15) What is the significance of crying out, “Abba! Father!?
Those in (influenced by) Christ are not wretched, are not filled with fear, for they have a spirit (inward man, attitude) of adoption as God’s son not of fear as a slave to the flesh (outward) as does the man of Rom 7:24 — those under a law of merit.
5. (8:16) PONDER: Readers are called sons of God at 8:14, but children of God here, is there any significance of so what is it?
6. (8:16) What does “beareth witness with” or “testifies with” mean?
7. (8:16) Does this knowledge help the man of Rom 7:24 and if so how does it help?
8. (8:16) PONDER: How does the Holy Spirit bear witness with, not to, the reader’s spirit?
9. (8:16) PONDER: How does the reader’s spirit bear witness with the Holy Spirit?
Informs why the readers can know (have confidence) they are not wretched, i.e., the Holy Spirit testifies with their inward man they are set free — they are God’s children.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can those freed from the law of merit know, during trying struggles and conflicts, they are God’s children, thus, not be “wretched”?
E. Conclusion —

XIV. {Rom 8:17-25} Fourth Argument — In hope we have been saved


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