Monday, December 01, 2008

Romans - November 30, 2008

SECTION --- Four: Sanctification (6:1-8:39) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

13. (8:25) What is the meaning of “patience” as used here?
a. “perseverance” — G5281. hupomone; 1) steadfastness, constancy, endurance 1a) in the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings 1b) patiently, and steadfastly.
14. (8:25) What, as used here, is the meaning of “wait”?
a. “wait eagerly” — G553. apekdechomai; assiduously and patiently waiting for...
(1) Constant in application or attention; diligent: See synonyms at busy; not sitting on the couch waiting for the suffering to end.
(2) Christians do not retire from being Christ’s disciple.
15. (8:25) What is the “it”?
a. The release from a bondage of corruption, the redemption of the child of God’s body. [8:21,23]
Informs why those in Christ, led by the Spirit, testified by the Spirit as being children have positive confidence in the “hope” — are actively looking forward to the promised glory, the released from their physical bodies.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — How can the Justified endure suffering?
1. Their confidence, thanks to being a child of God, what follows death is well worth the price, in pain and suffering, one must pay in this life. (1Co 15:54-55)
E. Conclusion — What makes current pain & suffering seem light is they can last no longer than this physical life, what a child of God receives when this life is over will last for eternity. The difference between the suffering of the wretched man (7:24) and one in Christ is the hope the suffering will end. The wretched man did not have the hope his suffering would ever end.
1. The Bible does not teach when one accepts Christ as their savior only good things will happen and what they give (good works and money) will return many fold fail to understand or appreciate Rom 8:17-25. One in Christ can endure problems in this life for the beauty of eternity with God.
2. This passage does not even imply a Christian will not suffer in this life.

XV. {Rom 8:26-27} Fifth Argument — He intercedes
A. Introduction
1. Review — This section (Rom 6:1- 8:39) begins with the question, “If one is saved by grace (i.e., without works of merit) what would motivated then to not continue serving Sin?” The foundation for this question is Paul’s (i.e., Jesus the Christ’s) position humans are justified by grace, not law of merit. Paul is showing those in Christ (i.e., those influenced by Christ) do not require any law of merit to make them serve Christ ( i.e., not serve sin). Paul shows an obligation to any law of merit does not really set a person free from sin (Rom 7:24). The man at Romans 7:24 is either a Christian trying to pleased God using a law of merit or a non-Christian trying to please God by a law of merit, but failing. The man recognizes it is not his meritorious efforts that can set him free from sin but Christ’s meritorious efforts (Rom 7:25). In Romans 8 the readers who are Christians are presented with seven arguments supporting the position Christian have Deity’s help in their battle with Sin for their eternal soul. (Paul is not address how one becomes a child of God but the benefit of being a child of God.) Four arguments have been presented: 1) Thanks to Christ there is no condemnation; 2) Sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit; 3) Holy Spirit’s assurance they are children of God; 4) Deity’s assurance, even during times of suffering, of the hope of redemption from this present world into the glories of Heaven.
2. Preview — (8:26-27) We can be assured God always knows when we need help and the type and amount of help required.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. In times of great stress when a child of God feels alone and knows not what to ask of God how does Deity give the child of God the help required?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (8:26) Who has the infirmities or weakness?
a. The child of God.
2. (8:26) What does “in the same way the Spirit” mean?
a. The Holy Spirit provided the assurance or help required during sufferings and He will also provided help during the child of God’s weakness.
3. (8:26) What is the weakness under discussion?
a. Not knowing how to communicate with God (prayer).
b. Context would suggest it is the seeking help during sufferings brought about because the readers are children of God — not because they are involved (and wish to stay) in a situation contrary to God’s will.
4. (8:26) What is the meaning of the word “intercedes” [“intercession”]?
a. G5241. huperentugchano; verb, to make petition for.
5. (8:26) Who is doing the interceding?
a. The Holy Spirit
6. (8:26) For whom is the Holy Spirit interceding?
a. The child of God
7. (8:26) What is “groanings to deep for words”?
a. “groanings” = G4726. stenagmos; noun, a sigh, a groaning (not a “Spirit tongue”)
b. “deep for words” = G215. alaletos; adj., not to be uttered, not expressed in words
8. (8:26) Who is doing groanings to deep for words?
a. The Holy Spirit, the one interceding is doing so in a way the human mind can not grasp with the five tools (memory, reason, contemplation, perception, judgment).

The Holy Spirit’s special or unique help when our inward man does not know what is required.

9. (8:27) What or whose heart is searched?
a. The Christian’s inward man or spirit.
10. (8:27) Who searches the inward man (heart) and knows the mind of the Holy Spirit?
a. God
11. (8:27) What is the meaning of the Greek word “intercedes” [“intercession”]?
a. G1793. entugchano; 1) A picturesque word of rescue by one who “happens on” one who is in trouble and “in his behalf” pleads his case before another. 2) To go to or meet a person, especially for the purpose of conversation, consultation, or supplication.
12. (8:27) Who intercedes according to God’s will
a. The Holy Spirit (cf 8:26)

The Holy Spirit meets with or happens upon a child of God and pleads the Christian’s case before God.


13. (8:26-27) Consider four popular views...
a. Holy Spirit corrects our prayers
b. Our spirit [inward man] groans
c. Holy Spirit interprets inward man’s groaning
d. Holy Spirit himself groans words that cannot be uttered
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — In times of great stress when a child of God feels alone and knows not what to ask of God how does Deity give the child of God the help required?
E. Conclusion —

XVI. {Rom 8:28-30} First Conclusion — All things work for good


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