Monday, July 20, 2009

Romans - July 19, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

10. PONDER (10:18) What does tell us is the real problem with the LOM Christian?July 20, 2009
a. They did not accept responsibilty for their actions, it was the fault of others.
11. (10:18-19)If 18 is generic, it is, who is 19 addressing?
a. The nation of “God’s people”.
12. (10:20) Who is Isaiah talking about?
a. The gentiles
13. (10:21) Who is Isaiah talking about?
a. Those who have rejected the gospel, the Jews as individuals.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
1. Paul is only telling them what God has said by the way of His prophets.
E. Conclusion — The LOM Christian should not have been suprised at Paul’s teaching because God told them what to expect. The LOM Christian was blinded by their ego.

IX. {Rom 11:1-10} Who first did the rejection
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has been accused that his teaching, the gospel is the only way of salvation for all, is a rejection of what is God’s word, the Law of Moses. He has, in chapters 9 & 10, used logic and scripture to show the gospel is not contary to OT
2. Preview — Uses scripture to show Israel is not rejected by God; they too can be saved.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why are some of God’s people not saved?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:1) What proof does Paul offer that he is not teaching God has rejected the Jews?
a. Himself. It would be illogical to teach God has rejected His people.
2. (11:1) Is the evidence given by Paul to be accepted?
a. At this time the Temple still stood and the birth could be checked.
3. (11:2) What was Elijah’s complaint?
a. He is the only one of God’s people to remain true to God.
4. (11:3) What is Elijah’s proof that his complaint is valid?
a. God’s chosen people are not obeying God.
5. (11:4) How does God respond to Elijah’s view of the situation?
a. There is a mass that does not serve God, but there are 7,000 that still serve God.
6. (11:5) PONDER: How does this support Paul’s argument that God has not rejected His people?
a. Great mass of His people has always rejected Him but not all His people.
7. (11:5)To whom is Paul referring?
a. He says “present time” so he must be referring to the Jews that have accepted the gospel, those who have been accepted by God’s grace.
8. (11:6) What is required of the Jews,what must they give up?
a. They must accept the fact they need God’s grace for they cannot earn their salvation.
9. (11:6) Why is works not grace?
a. If one earns their salvation by works they are sinless and do not need grace. Not saying grace is not conditional, cf. Naaman.
10. Does this passage (11:1-6) support the doctrine God has chosen who will be saved?

11. (11:6) What did the LOM Disciple need to do?
a. .
12. (11:6) Is Paul saying one saved by grace must do nothing; i.e., if one does anything they are saved by works?
13. (11:7) Who or what is Israel?
14. (11:7) What was Israel seeking that they did not find?
15. (11:7)Why did Israel not find what they were seeking?
a. .
16. (11:7-10)There are two classes of people. What are they?
17. (11:7) What is the difference between election and hardened?
18. (11:7) Who did the harding?
a. }
19. (11:7-10) Why does this not support TULIP?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered 11:1-10] — Why are some of God’s people not saved?
E. Conclusion — .


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