Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Romans - July 12, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

15. (10:13) This verse quotes Joel 2:32 what is the significance of this?
a. The OT told them the LOM was not God’s last plan.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOC had to replace LOM?
1. LOM demands one earn their salvation; LOC demands one have faith in Jesus for their salvation.
E. Conclusion — LOM Christians felt LOC needed help from the LOM

VIII. {Rom 10:14-21} The function of Proclaimer
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has shown those rejecting do so because they want to. They can blame others but LOM has shown LOC, faith, is what God wants. God has the right to chose and He choose Christ, the gospel. Those holding to LOM are holding on to tradition not facts.
2. Preview — Why the LOM Christian is without excuse
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (10:14)What is the “brand” of Christian chapter 9, 10, and 11 is addressing?
a. LOM
2. (10:14) What is a preacher?
a. G2784 - to be a herald, to officiate as a herald; verb
3. (10:14) PONDER: What was preached that they should have belived?
a. The gospel
4. (10:14) Based on the problem and what Paul has written when should they have belived?
a. When they read the OT
5. (10:15) Who did the sending?
a. God via His inspired writers of OT
6. (10:16) What was Isaiah’s complaint?
a. The good news was rejected
7. (10:17)How does one get faith?
a. By hearing about Christ
8. (10:17) What was missing from LOM Chtistian’s doctrine?
a. Faith in Christ, they had faith in God but not in Christ.
9. (10:18) Did LOM Christian have a reason for their not knowing?
a. NO! The info was there but they chose to not heed.
10. PONDER (10:18) What does tell us is the real problem with the LOM Christian?


a. .
11. (10:18-19)If 18 is generic, it is, who is 19 addressing?
a. .
12. (10:20) Who is Isaiah talking about?
13. (10:21) Who is Isaiah talking about?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why the LOM Christian cannot blame God or Paul?
1. .
E. Conclusion — .

IX. {Rom 11:1-10} Who first did the rejection
A. Introduction
1. Review —
2. Preview — .
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why are some of God’s people not saved?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (11:1) What proof does Paul offer that he is not teaching God has rejected the Jews?
a. .
2. (11:1) Is the evidence given by Paul to be accepted?
a. .
3. (11:2) What was Elijah’s complaint?
a. .
4. (11:3) What is Elijah’s proof that his complaint is valid?
a. .
5. (11:4) How does God respond to Elijah’s view of the situation?
6. (11:5) PONDER: How does this support Paul’s argument that God has not rejected His people?
7. (11:5)To whom is Paul referring?
a. .
8. (11:6) What is required of the Jews,what must they give up?
9. (11:6) Why is works not grace?
10. Does this passage (11:1-6) support the doctrine God has chosen who will be saved?
11. (11:6) What did the LOM Disciple need to do?
a. .
12. (11:6) Is Paul saying one saved by grace must do nothing; i.e., if one does anything they are saved by works?
13. (11:7) Who or what is Israel?
14. (11:7) What was Israel seeking that they did not find?
15. (11:7)Why did Israel not find what they were seeking?
a. .
16. (11:7-10)There are two classes of people. What are they?
17. (11:7) What is the difference between election and hardened?
18. (11:7) Who did the harding?
a. }
19. (11:7-10) Why does this not support TULIP?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered 11:1-10] — Why are some of God’s people not saved?
E. Conclusion — .


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