Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Romans - July 26, 2009

SECTION --- Five: Vindication of God (9:1 -- 11:36) .
(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

10. Does this passage (11:1-6) support the doctrine God has chosen who will be saved?
a. This is section on God chosing “grace over works of law” LOC over LOM; LOC was looked for by the OT. He has chosen the way one will vindicated or saved but He has not chosen who is to be saved. God has chosen “grace” not “works”, you cannot earn salvation.
11. (11:6) What did the LOM Disciple need to do?
a. Accept salvation by grace; reject salvation by works.
12. (11:6) Is Paul saying one saved by grace must do nothing; i.e., if one does anything they are saved by works?
a. Paul, per context, is addressing some who hold the postion salvation by works of the Law is the way one is saved. We are saved by grace, it is not something we earn. A distinction not seen by many religionsts who do not uderstand work or grace as used by Paul.
13. (11:7) Who or what is Israel?
a. The nation of Israel or the followers of the LOM
14. (11:7) What was Israel seeking that they did not find?
a. Salvation
15. (11:7)Why did Israel not find what they were seeking?
a. Were seeking as nation by works not as individuls by grace.
16. (11:7-10)There are two classes of people. What are they?
a. The elected and the non-elected
17. (11:7) What is the difference between election and hardened?
a. Salvation
18. (11:7) Who did the harding?
a. They did. God only allowed it. {MAT 13:14-15}
19. (11:7-10) Why does this not support TULIP?
a. Paul is not addressing the issue of salvation but the problem of LOM being replaced by the LOC, grace has replaced works. (cf. 11:6)

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered 11:1-10] — Why are some of God’s people not saved?
1. Some of the Jew’s are lost because they refuse to accept God’s gift of grace is for individuls. Jesus did not offer them what they wanted so they rejected what he offered.
E. Conclusion — Some were clinging to LOM and rejecting or about to rejct LOC.

X. {Rom 11:11-16} A warning
A. Introduction
1. Review — If Paul is addressing those not there (not likely cf. 1:7) or addressing some who are having doubts about LOC (more likly) being able to replace all the LOM (cf.6:1-7) I cannot say. This point is clear the LOC will not accept any of the LOM, for one is by grace and one is by works, under one salvation is gift under the other we earn it.
2. Preview — Those who are not LOM Disciples are given a warning.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the warning given to the Gentiles?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...

1. (11:11) Who is “they”?
2. (11:11) PONDER: Did all Jew’s lose all hope of being saved?
3. (11:11) Why did “they” stumble?
4. (11:11) Did they stumble to fall?
5. (11:11) What was the results of their stumble?
6. (11:11) How did the Jew’s react?
7. (11:11) PONDER:Of what were they jealous – the Gentiles became Christians (were saved) or somrthing else?
8. (11:12) What is the”trangression” or fall that is being addressed?
9. (11:12) What is their “failure” that is being addresses?
10. (11:12) What is their “fulfillment” that is being addressed?
11. (11:12) PONDER:What did the LOM Disciple, in Rome and elsewhere, do to the gospel?
12. (11:13-14) What did Paul hope to do?
a. .
13. (11:13-14) PONDER: Considering 1TI 4:16 what did Paul hope to do?
14. (11:15) PONDER: How is the one saved?
15. (11:15) In what way is their (the Jew) a reconciliation?
a. .
16. (11:15)What is the consequences of rejection?
17. (11:15) What is the consequences of acceptance?
18. (11:15) Who or what receives the consequences?
19. (11:16) Paul in this passage (11-16) is saying the jews are not all bad, what is his argument?
a. .
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the warning given to the Gentiles?
E. Conclusion —


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