Monday, November 23, 2009

Romans - 11/22/2009

The Book of Romans
VI. Application of Sanctification (12:1 - 15:4)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

VIII. {Rom 14: 1-4 }
. Introduction
1. Review — Evidently some had a problem with what they could eat or not eat and it effected their relationship with others. This not to be approached with a measuring stick in our hand; i.e.,I will go so far and no further.
2. Preview — Who is to determine if our actions are correct.
. Question For Discussion?
1. Is it my business or others what I do?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (14:1) What does “weak in faith” mean?
a. Not that one doubts his salvation but question if he is serving as he ought.
2. What is the difference between a person that is weak and one that is not weak?
a. One needs a list of do’s and don’ts and the other does not have a list. Both know God is their Master.
3. What is my responsibility to one that one that does not see things my way?
a. Accept his position as being valid.
4. When I accept another what do I not do?
a. Pass judgement on him
5. PONDER: Could one have an opinion that I could not accept?
a. Not if he had B, C and V in context as support, even if used incorrectly.
6. (14:2) What is the problem that is under discussion?
a. What is taken into the body, i.e., eaten.
7. Why was what one eats be a problem?
a. Those raised under the LOM would see things different than a Gentile.
8. Who is the “weak” one that is Paul is talking about?
a. The one that not eat everything.
9. (14:3) How is one who eats to treat the one that does not eat?
a. Not with contempt (the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration; exoutheneō; from G1847; to despise, treat with contempt: - contemptible (1), despise (3), despised (1), no account (1), regard with contempt (1), regard...with contempt (1), rejected (1), treating...with contempt (1), viewed with contempt (1).)
10. How is the non-eater to look upon the one who eats?
a. Not as a judge of what another eats.
11. What does “accept” or “receive” mean?
a. I have ask and God has accepted. I will let God be my leader.
12. Why does the one who eats or does not eat not judge or treat with contempt another?
a. God is his leader and he accepts God’s leadership.
13. (14:4) Why does a brother not judge or hold a brother in contempt?
a. The “other” bother also belongs to God.
14. What is the problem that is being addressed that goes beyond food?
a. It is whittling on God’s end of the stick. The Lord is able to decide what is right and wrong, i.e., what will condemn and what will not.
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Is it my business or others what I do?
1. If one (brother) does as he does to serve the Lord I cannot say he is wrong.
. Conclusion — My opinion does not change the Lord’s opinion.

IX. {Rom 14:5-9}
. Introduction
1. Review — Paul continues with why a follower of Christ does what he does.
2. Preview — What is the correct attitude for one belonging to God.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What determines a christen’s actions?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. This passage is about some that need _____ and some that do not.
a. A list of do and do nots.
2. (14:5) Is Paul talking about the “blue laws” of long ago?
a. This has nothing to do with what the government does.


3. PONDER: What do you think is the reason for Paul writing verse five?
4. Is an issue ever important?
5. Is any day to be treated as a special day by Christian?
6. What is the criteria for how a day is treated?
7. Is Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving or etc. wrong?
a. .
8. Is it right or wrong to make Sunday the day we gather.
9. (14:6) Sunday is called The Lord’s Day is this true or is this a tradition?
10. What makes a day special day?
11. Is it wrong to go fishing on Sunday?
12. (14:7) “for” tells what follows is the reason behind what is previous. What is behind verse six?
13. (14:8) Who owns a Christian?
14. (14:9) Why is what is said true then and also now.

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What determines a christen’s actions?
. Conclusion —

X. {Rom 14:10-12 }
. Introduction
1. Review — Continuing on with matters of my strong opinions.
2. Preview — Why I must not judge a fellow saint.
. Question For Discussion?
1. Why a Christian will not judge another Christian?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (14:10) What does “set at nought” (KJV) mean?
2. What is the things they are doing or the one thing that produces the other.
3. Why must we not judge another?
4. (14:11) What is used for support for verse 10?
a. The Old Testament (Isa 45:23)
5. (14:12) “So then” draws a conclusion, what is Paul’s conclusion?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why a Christian will not judge another Christian?
. Conclusion — .

XI. {Rom 14:13-23 }
. Introduction
1. Review —
2. Preview —
. Question For Discussion?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —
. Conclusion —

XII. {Rom 15:1-4}
. Introduction
1. Review —
2. Preview —
. Question For Discussion?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —
. Conclusion —


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