Monday, July 26, 2010

Study of Denomintions 07/25/2010

A Study of Denominations
Cont. from last week

Instrumental Music

Furthermore, the "addition" is hindering the God-given purpose for singing. In Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 we see that our singing is to represent speaking to, teaching, and admonishing one another. How do instruments assist in our "conversation" with one another? It adds nothing to the substance of the message; it only aids in production. Where in the Scriptures do we see that the focus of singing is on the production? God is more pleased with a joyful noise done to build up according to Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 than a perfect performance that does not lead to teaching and admonishment. Those who would emphasize instruments seem to put production over the message, and reverse God's established priorities!

Argument: Well, if instrumental music is an addition, what about songbooks, song leaders, and pitch pipes?

Answer: There is a fundamental difference between an expedient and an addition. An expedient helps to facilitate the completion of a commandment, while an addition changes the nature of the completion.

Song books, song leaders, and pitch pipes are all used to fulfill the command to sing, and that it should be done orderly, as seen in 1 Corinthians 14:40 :

But let all things be done decently and in order.

Without a song leader, who would determine when we begin singing and at which tempo and pitch? Without the songbook, how would we know what we are singing? And without the pitch pipe, how will the song leader know what pitch to use?

None of these change the command given to us in the Scriptures, but rather help us fulfill the command. Instrumental music alters the purity of the human voice praising its Creator, and is done without God having spoken to its effect.

Argument: Well, God gave me the talent to play instruments; why can't I use that talent He gave me?

Answer: God gives talents, yes, but does He give specific talents?

For instance, does a con man get the ability to deceive others from God? Should he engage in deceptive behaviors for God? Should a thief do so for the Lord, since God gives talents?

I am sure that there is agreement that God gives us talents, and that we can use them in proper and improper ways. There is, however, a proper way to use all talents; a con man, who generally is very persuasive, could change his life and persuade people to follow Christ. Likewise, one who has a talent playing an instrument has some music ability, and thus could sing and lead singing very well. God gives talents, and we need to use them as He has directed, not according to our own whims.
Early Witnesses Concerning Instrumental Music


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