Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Romans - September 23, 2007

Introduction - Romans 1:1-17 (continued)

II. {ROM 1:16-17} Announcing His Theme

A. Question For Discussion — According to Rom 1:16-17, what is Paul’s theme for the book of Romans?
B. Questions For Encouraging Discussion
1. What does Rom 1:16-17 say about the gospel?
a. It is God’s salvation power, power for saving mankind.

2. (v.16) What is the gospel?
a. ASV footnote suggest “good tidings”; Amplified suggest “good news”; 2098. euaggelion; a good message.
b. The text specifically says it is “God’s power of salvation”.
OBSERVATION: “the” before “power” is not part of the Greek, thus, “I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is God’s power unto salvation.” It was God’s creation power which brought mankind into existence and it is God’s gospel power which brings mankind back into fellowship with God — spiritually saves mankind. Nothing came into existence without God’s creation power and no one is saved from their sins without the use of God’s gospel power. The Holy Spirit, via Paul, does not offer an alternate plan of salvation nor even suggest there is a “zap” method of salvation.

3. What was the gospel’s purpose?
a. It was “unto salvation”.

4. Whom was it supposed to save?
a. Everyone who believed could be saved.
b. It was for the Jew and the Greek.

5. How does the gospel save?
a. It saved by faith, because salvation came to everyone who believed.

6. Why does Paul quote Habakkuk 2:4 in Romans 1:17?
a. He quoted Habakkuk, who was a Levite, because the prophet essentially speaks the same thought as Paul; “the righteous shall live by faith.”
b. The citation of this proof text gives Paul’s theme of “righteousness by faith” a definite Old Testament base, i.e., those under the Law of Moses were expected to be obedient to be saved by faith — salvation by faith is not found only in the New Testament.

7. Does Rom 10:17 shed light on the purpose of Rom 1:16-17?
a. Paul express same idea as Rom 1:17 in a different form.
b. Faith comes by hearing (reading and obeying) the doctrine about Christ and his mission.

C. DEEP PONDER: What is the meaning of the phrase: “from faith unto faith” in 1:17? From Old Testament faith to New Testament faith? From one degree of faith to another degree of faith? Something else? First consider the following...
1. What is the context?
a. (v.16) Paul is speaking of the gospel of Christ.
b. (v.15) He is ready to preach the gospel of Christ.
c. (v.16a) He is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
(1) Why is Paul not ashamed of the gospel of Christ?
(2) (v.16b) Because it is God’s power for salvation.
(a) (v.17) Because it revealed God’s righteousness.

2. Three words that must be correctly understood/applied for an accurate understanding of phrase...
a. “Righteousness” = 1343. dikaiosune; quality of being just (of character or act); specially the justification of a Christian...
(1) Phrase “righteousness of God”, in this and similar contexts, has reference to God’s acquittal of a man or His pronouncing a person free from past sins.
b. “From” = G1537. ek; out of; expressed origin or source; the point where an action or motion proceeds
c. “To” [“unto” ASV] = G1519. eis = Word denoting entrance into, or direction; into, to, in, towards, for, among.
(a) Word “EIS” informs the purpose of an action; “EIS” tells us why an action is taken.

3. How is faith used in the New Testament?
a. {Jud 1:3; Gal 3:23-25} System of teaching .
(1) Faith, by metonymy (one noun is used for another noun in which there is a relationship), is put for the thing believed.
b. {Rom 3:24-26} Conviction of the truth of anything; trust.

4. Deep Pondering Evidenced applied —Meaning of the expression “from faith to faith”
a. The first word “faith” of Rom 1:17 is used in the sense of a system of teaching [Jud 1:3; Gal 3:23-25]
(1) It is “from” (out of) the gospel (the “first” word faith, the system of teaching [cf. Rom 1:16]) that the “second word faith” is obtained.
(2) The “first word faith” is source for the “second word faith”, i.e., the second “faith” mentioned is the result of the first “faith” mentioned.
(3) First word faith in [1:17] is the “gospel” of [1:16].
b. “Second word faith” of Rom 1:17 is a firm conviction, assurance, trust in God is trust [Rom 3:24-26].
c. Thus, it is from the gospel (the first word faith) we learn(have a firm conviction) to trust in God’s righteousness to provide salvation, i.e., eternal life.

D. Evidence Applied — [Discussion Question Answered} Announcing His Theme


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