Monday, March 31, 2008

Romans - March 30, 2008

Section -- Three; Justification -- Romans 3:21-5:18, continued

V. {Rom 4:13-17 } Only faith can guarantee God’s promise to Abraham and his seed
A. Introduction
B. Question For Discussion

C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
[continued, see previous Class Follow Up]
6. (4:14) How does the “for” support position the promise is through faith.
a. A promised granted by faith and a promise granted by law of works are at odds — must be one or the other.
7. (4:15) Why does the law not make one righteous?
a. Law brings on God’s judicial wrath for it sets a standard no one has the ability to obtain — a known standard establishing God’s expectations for mankind and consequence of disobedience.
OBSERVATION: “no violation” is doing more than just stating the obvious+. The issue under discussion is fulfilling a promise based on “flawlessly keeping law” versus “faith”. The “No law” statement refers to a known standard establishing God’s expectations for mankind and consequence of disobedience, i.e., lack of flawless obedience.
8. (4:15) How does the “for” support the position “law” (earning) makes “faith” (grace) void.
a. The Law was not designed to make one righteous (justify) but a means to show mankind they needed help to reach God’s standard of flawless obedience.
9. (4:16) Two reasons given why promise had to be based on faith not law (flawless obedience), what are they?
a. So the promise could be filled by “grace” (a gift)
b. Only way God could guaranteed promises would be filled was by the receiver’s faith for flawless obedience is not possible for mankind.
10. (4:16b) If the LOM Christian insisted the Gentiles had to obey the LOM to receive the promise what impact would that have on the LOM Christians receiving the promise?
a. Only way the promise could be guaranteed it would be fulfill was by faith for no one can flawlessly obey the LOM or any law of works, thus, no one, Jew or Gentile, would receive the promise God made to Abraham.
11. (4:17) What does this suggest about the quality of fulfiller of the promise?
a. Faith in God is not trust (faith) place in one not able to fulfill the promises made.
12. PONDER: The relationship between God (Gen 21:1-3,12; 22:2,8,12-13; and Rom 4:17 and Heb 11:17-19) and Abraham’s willingness to obey God.
a. Abraham’s willingness to obey God was based on his trust in God’s ability to fulfill (Gen 15:1-6).
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] What is there about God fulfilling His promise to Abraham preventing the LOM from being involved in God’s promise to Abraham?
1. The LOM (any law of works) demands flawless obedience, thus, could not be part of God’s promise to Abraham for no person can flawlessly obey God’s law or any law of works or merit.
E. Conclusion — Being a heir of the promise made to Abraham because of his faith requires faith not works by those who are part of the promise, i.e., the kingdom promised to Abraham.

VI. {Rom 4:18-25} Abraham’s faith based on what God could do, not what was logical or practical
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has provided sound arguments using human logic with Holy Spirit inspired writings establishing it is not possible nor appropriate for the efforts of mankind (works of merit) to be the source or reason a person is righteous — only by God’s grace can one be righteous.
2. Preview — Necessary consequences, for the readers, of Abraham’s example of righteousness as the fruit of faith not merit.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is specifically required of Paul’s readers to be credited as righteous as was Abraham?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. There are two ways to be righteousness or justified before God, i.e., have one’s sins not taken into account — one is stated and one is implied; one is possible and one is not.
2. (4:18) Why did Abraham, according to this verse, not give up hope?
3. (Gen 16:2; 17:15-18) Abraham was 86 when Ishmael was born and 99 when he made this request on behalf of Ishmael. What insight does this give to Rom 4:18?
4. (4:19-21) Why is the logical or practical situation with Abraham and Sarah having a child?
5. How did Abraham respond to his and Sarah’s physical situation?
6. Why did Abraham’s faith in God grow stronger?
7. (4:22) What was reckoned to Abraham as equal to righteousness?
8. (4:23-24) Why is what is written about Abraham’s faith also for the sake of the Paul’s readers?
9. To be righteous Abraham had to have faith he and Sarah would have child, what is expected of Paul’s readers?
10. (4:25) What enabled God to not apply judicial wrath to those earning His wrath (broke His law) because they did not earn righteousness? (cf. 3:25)
11. (4:25) Justification means being freed from the guilt of wrong doing (sin), this was accomplished by Jesus’ death (3:25), thus, what part does Jesus’ resurrection have in our justification (cf. 1Co 15:16-19).
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is specifically required of Paul’s readers to be credited as righteous as was Abraham?
E. Conclusion


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