Monday, February 04, 2008

Romans - February 4, 2008

Section -- Two: Condemnation -- Romans 1:18-3:20, continued

E. Conclusion — While it is possible for “Natural Religion” to make one aware of a higher power, without the revealed “oracles of God” it would not be possible to know what pleased our Creator.
OBSERVATION: The Old Testament is a spotlight focusing on a particular tribe, the tribe or family of Jesus of Nazareth. Only when someone entered the spotlight is their activities recorded. Those not of Abraham’s family, however, were not without oracles of God for they had “priests of God Most High” [cf. Gen 14:18-20].
F. Application — If it was not for the Bible things right and wrong would be defined by the expectations of each generation and each society — wrong today may be right tomorrow; right today may be wrong tomorrow...
1. The Bible is the owner’s manual prepared by the Creator of mankind. Like most owner’s manuals some read and follow it; some read it when there is a problem; some never read it and do not even remember where they put it.
G. PONDERING: This is a section establishing all people have earned condemnation {1:18-19}. What are your thoughts, based on this section, about those not hearing the Gospel of Christ being able to use their lack of hearing as an excuse, thus, will not be judged worthy of God’s wrath?
1. While the Law of Moses made the Jews aware of their sin it did not justify them, because of the desires of the outward man — Justification is more than knowing God’s mind.
2. Also those without the oracles of God had the necessary information to know a power greater than they existed — a power greater than their concept and wisdom [1:20-23]...
a. All gods created by mankind have the same fleshly desires and attitudes as mankind — are created in the image of mankind.
3. Therefore, those in the sea of sin have the responsibility to seek the oracles of God and safety or reject the concept they are in the sea of sin — those seeking God will find Him for He is near [Act 17:27]
a. Does not mean one’s knowing Truth are without responsibility but have a grave responsibility to let those drowning in sin have the opportunity to be saved — be ready and able to throw them a life line. (cf Act 17:16-17)

SEGUE: Paul has laid the foundation that all are worthy of God’s wrath, thus, in the next section [3:21-5:21] he establishes how one is justified — i.e., what one can do to not receive God’s wrath.

The Book of Romans
III. Justification (3:21- 5:21)

1. Section Preview — [3:21-5:21] Paul has established both Jew, with the Law of Moses, and the Gentile, without the Law of Moses, have earned condemnation. Based on the evidence Paul has produced the best any person can say is, “My knowledge of right and wrong has informed me I have fallen short of always doing right, thus, I am a person having earned condemnation; a person requiring God’s justification.”...
a. In this section (Rom 3:21-5:21) Paul makes clear God’s means or plan of Justification.
b. Paul’s target audience is for the most part not Jews or gentiles who have accepted the gospel plan of salvation but “Judaizing Christians”, those making the gospel of Christ an addendum to the Law Of Moses...
i. When he dealt with un-believing Jews he used the Old Testament prophets to show Christ was the one the men of old were seeking.
ii. When he dealt with un-believing gentiles he showed them Christ was superior to the gods they worshiped.
c. While the “Judaizing Christians” was the target audience it was important for the Gentiles who were baptized believers to be aware of the problem so they could resist the influence of the Judaizing Christians.
i. Paul’s information also gives the Jews who had accepted the gospel as the “New Law” replacing the “Old Law” tools to know their position was correct (valid).
2. Justification defined — Act of God declaring a person free from the guilt of their sin, thus, acceptable to God — freed of the earned spiritual consequences of their sin (condemnation).

I. {Rom 3:21-26} Justification from God is rooted in God’s righteousness
A. Introduction
1. Review — The “Condemnation Section” is the foundation for “Justification”
2. Preview — Mankind’s efforts produced condemnation, God provides justification.
B. Question For Discussion — What specifically (root cause) keeps God’s judicial wrath toward mankind’s ungodliness and unrighteousness in check — preventing it from being poured out on the condemned?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion and Understanding...
1. What is the definition of the following words...
a. Law
(1) A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.
b. (3:24) “justified”
(1) Rendered righteous, more than just called but made righteous.
c. (3:25) “propitiation”
(1) G2435. hilasterion; used 2 times; (place or thing) To conciliate (an offended power); appease...
(2) (Heb 9:5) The blood of atonement on the day of atonement (Lev 16:13-15) was sprinkled on the “mercy-seat” (G2435).+
OBSERVATION: “MERCY-SEAT” - H3727 [place of atonement or appeasement]
The golden plate of propitiation on which the High Priest sprinkled the seat 7 times on the yearly Day of Atonement symbolically reconciling temporally Jehovah and His chosen people
The slab of gold on top of the ark of the covenant which measured 2.5 by 1.5 cubits; on it and part of it were the two golden cherubim facing each other whose outstretched wings came together above and constituted the throne of God
d. (3:25) “righteousness” - The quality or state of being morally sound; the condition acceptable to God.
(1) When one violates law the establisher of the law must be appeased if the violator hopes to be acceptable to or by the establisher of law.
e. (3:25) “remission” [KJV], “passed over”
(1) G3929 paresis; used 1 time; passing over, letting pass, not applying earned punishment+
OBSERVATION: Remission and Passed Over do not mean the same action, as some suggest.
One passing over has the power to reinstated punishment — sin has been forgiven but not forgotten. If the Holy Spirit had meant “Remission” he would have used G859. aphesis; used 17 times, forgiveness or pardon, of sins (letting them go as if they had never been committed), remission of the penalty (Act 2:38) — forgiven and forgotten. Punishment for forgiven sin cannot be reapplied.
Sin is so horrible only way God could remain “righteous” was to establish forgiveness required more than the blood of bulls and goats, thus, He “passed over” till Christ’s became the sacrifice. {cf. HEB 10: 1-8}

f. (3:25) “forbearance”
2. (3:21) To what “law” (law of merit or Law of Moses) is Paul referring?

3. (3:21) What is the significance of “without”[KJV] or “apart”[ASV, NASB]?

4. (3:21) What is meant by “witnessed by the Law and the Prophets”?.

5. PONDER: If God’s Law of merit (e.g., Law of Moses) cannot prevent God’s judicial wrath why do you think God provide mankind with a divine law?

6. (3:21-22) What is the evidence offered that God is morally sound (righteous)?

7. PONDER: What do you think is significance of the contrast between salvation by the way of law (merit) and salvation by the way of faith in Jesus the Christ?.

8. (3:22-25) What reasons are given to support the position “righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ” shows God is morally sound (righteous)?

9. PONDER: Do you think God, by “passing over sins previously committed” [3:25] God was indifferent to sin — i.e., Can a morally pure God tolerated some sin and still remained morally pure? If not why not?

10. What does our passage say is the fruit or consequences of God’s righteousness?

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What specifically (root cause) holds God’s judicial wrath toward mankind’s ungodliness and unrighteousness in check — preventing God’s judicial wrath from being poured out on the condemned?

E. Conclusion —

II. {Rom 3:27-30} All are justified by faith not works.
A. Introduction
1. Review — In previous section (1:18-5:20) Paul established all humans have earned condemnation by actions toward their creator(their owner). In previous passage (3::21-26) was established mankind cannot earn justification by what they do — required the blood of Jesus. Foundation is laid and Paul will build, one brick at time on this foundation that justification is “of God through faith in Jesus Christ” [3:22]
2. Preview — Justification cannot be earned, thus, is available for all.
B. Question For Discussion — It is the blood of Jesus that gives Justification “by the way of faith” its power. God could have chosen any way to Justify mankind, e.g., justification by the way of baptism in water, but He choose faith. Based on this passage what is the benefit of justification by the means of faith?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. Review of some words as used by Paul: Works, Faith, Law
2. What does Paul conclude, reckon or maintain, justifies a person?
3. Why does faith in Jesus’s death [cf. 3:25] remove boasting? [3:27-28]
4. What is Paul’s support, in this passage, God is not the God of a particular nation or people? [3:30]

OBSERVATION: (3:30) “by faith” does not have same meaning as “through faith”...
1. “faith”and “the faith”
a. The first “faith” is the conviction of the truth of something, i.e, belief in something. In this case it is...
i. As relating to God — the conviction God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ
ii. As relating to Christ — a strong and welcome conviction or belief Jesus is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God
b. The second “faith” is preceded, in the Greek, by the definite article “the”...
i. This makes the word “faith” an idiom meaning what one believes, i.e., the doctrine of Christ, the gospel of Christ [Rom 1:16]
2. “by” and “through”
a. “By”, in the Greek, is a primary preposition denoting origin (the point from where action or motion proceeds), i.e., the source.
b. “Through”, in the Greek, is a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act, i.e., the means of delivery.
3. Paul’s point is the source (“by”) of the Jew’s justification is based on their conviction of the truth Abraham taught their forefathers about God (not works) — the non-Jew is justified based on their knowledge of God’s will as channeled (“through”) the gospel of Christ. [Rom 1:16]...
a. The non-Jew did not need to know about Abraham or first become a Jew to know God or how to be justified by God — just had to accept the gospel of Christ.
4. To read into this passage Paul is saying the Jews are justified by the Law of Moses, and the Gentiles by faith in Christ is to read more than Paul wrote...
a. Paul’s point is everybody is saved by faith in Jesus, not by works of law .
b. Paul makes it clear one cannot be set free from condemnation unless they are in [have a relationship with] Christ

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Based on our passage what is the benefit of justification by the means of faith?
E. Conclusion

III. {Rom 3:31- 4:8} Salvation by faith was a fundamental truth before circumcision.


At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man has had "a" law from God since Adam & Eve. Adam was told which trees he could eat from and which tree he could not eat from. Adam and Eve made a choice and suffered the consequences. Abel and Cain understood the necessity of sacrifice to God. Abel's sacrifice pleased God and Cain's did not. Cain made a choice and suffered the consequences. These plus so many others were long before The Law as given to Moses. Man has always been under law and knew and knows what is an is not acceptable to God.


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