Monday, December 17, 2007

Romans - December 16, 2007

Section - Tw0: Condemnation -- 1:18-3:20, continued

4. How are those under law (expressed and binding will of someone) judged?
a. (2:12) If you sinned under any law, you will be judged by that law.
b. (2:.13) It is not just a matter of knowing law, but the “doers of law” shall be justified.
c. (2:12) If one did not keep the law (concept of right and wrong) they were under, it condemned him.

5. What about those not under law (expressed and binding will of someone)?
a. (2:12) Those who sinned without law, shall perish without law.

6. Is it impartial (fair) to judge someone not having an expressed and binding will of another the same as those having an expressed binding will (law)?
a. (2:14) Gentiles without the law had a chance to do, or not do, “by nature” the things contained in the law, therefore, become a law unto themselves.

7. What does Paul mean the Gentiles do by nature the things of the Law? (Reading 2:14-15 as a parenthetical statement helps the understanding.)
a. (2:15) Work of the law written in their hearts.
b. (2:15) Their conscience bearing witness and either accusing or excusing their conduct.

8. PONDER: : Does Paul say the “conscience” is the standard?
a. No, it is only the means of measuring our conduct (judging) against an already accepted standard. Conscience is a judge not a guide or a lawyer (i.e. one that teaches or explains the law). It can be over scrupulous [1 Corinthians 10:25,29] or it can be “seared” by abuse [1 Timothy 4:2].
b. “conscience” = 4893. suneidesis; co-perception, i.e. moral consciousness. In English we have “conscience” referring to moral awareness and “consciousness” referring to physical awareness, in the Greek both are the same word and context determines if the physical (outward man) or moral (inward man) is being addressed.
c. Consider this, one can no more train his consciousness (the awareness of pleasure and harm) to have an objective standard than he can train his conscience (the awareness of moral right and wrong) to have an objective standard, however, one can learn to ignore both. Point: One’s conscience is a poor guide for it is subjective (right and wrong is based on situations) — only God’s word is an objective guide.

9. PONDER: (2:14) The Holy Spirit did not use an article in front of [the] Gentiles, what is the significance?
a. Holy Spirit is not addressing the Gentiles collectively, but only Gentiles doing things of the Laws.

10. How did Gentiles get God’s will (knowledge of God) in their hearts? (2:14)
a. Perhaps some recognized rightness in the Law of Moses system [ref. Acts 10]
b. Perhaps handed down by tradition a “sense of right” from the Patriarchal period.
c. Perhaps mankind’s inborn tendency to develop a set rules or code of conduct by which to live.
d. (1:20) Apparently certain things about God should have been “put together” by all men just from the visible creation.
e. Certain behavior should apparently appear wrong to man if he will reflect and examine his own personal experience.+

OBSERVATION: One knows it is wrong to steal; if for no other reason than he does not want someone stealing from him. Paul is saying man has the inherent ability to know right from wrong; Calvinism says man does not have the ability to know right from wrong without direct action of the Holy Spirit. In reality man has the inherent ability to know right from wrong, but not an innate concept of what is right and wrong written on his heart. The New Covenant is said to be written on the hearts of believers [Heb 10:15-17]. All of God’s laws are written on the hearts of men in the same manner, i.e. by hearing or reading.

11. (2:16) What insight does this verse give informing readers about God’s standards and way of judging?
a. God shall judge the secrets of men, it is your inside not your outside.
b. Will be an objective not a subjective standard, will be the gospel delivered by Paul, not the gospel modified by mankind.
c. Jesus Christ will be mankind’s advocate [1Jo 2:1]
d. Same thing Paul said in Athens [Acts 17:31].
e. Stay tuned the future is not all dark and fearful.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — Why is God not showing partiality when He judges those without the Law (Law of Moses) the same as those with the Law of Moses?


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