Monday, December 10, 2007

Romans - December 9, 2007

Section -Two; Condemnation -- Romans 1:18-3:20, continued

10. What are the two major differences the Holy Spirit through Paul gives between God’s quality of judging and mankind’s quality of judging?
a. The attitude — God is impartial, thus, always fair for He does not see some things as being in a grey area (A.K.A. situation ethics).
b. The standard — An action is right or wrong based on our Creator’s unchanging standard.

11. PONDER: What prevents using this passage [2:6-11] to teach salvation is by works/law of merit not grace?
a. Context or section containing this passage is a section [1:18-3:20] on Condemnation not Justification or Salvation. Paul is showing why no one can claim they have earned eternal life (it is not possible to keep any law of merit perfectly) but have earned tribulation and distress.

12. PONDER: What light does this passage shed on the concept “eternal life” is more than “eternal existence” or “non-existence” (concept there is not an eternal punishment [hell])?
a. (2:7-8) Those living a life not pleasing to God’s will (not obeying the truth) will receive wrath and indignation with tribulation and distress for the same length of time others will receive “eternal life”. Both will have “eternal existence”, however, only one will have “eternal life” (eternity with God) and the other will have “eternal separation” from God.

13. (2:7-10) What do verses teach about conditions in the after life?
a. (v.7) Those seeking God’s glory [cf. 8:18], honor [cf. Joh 12:26], and incorruption [1Co 15:42] God will give eternal life [cf. 6:23].
b. (v.8,9) Those not seeking things of God will receive indignation, wrath, tribulations, and anguish.

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —How does God determine if one is obedient?
1. What one actually does, not what they plan on doing, as measured against the Truth revealed by God.

E. Conclusion — Those failing to receive eternal life have only themselves to blame for they, by their inaction or incorrect action, have chosen to reject God’s revealed truth...
1. Everyone earns their own condemnation.

VII. {Rom 2:12-16} Reason God’s condemnation is impartial toward Gentiles (non-Jews)
A. Introduction
1. Review — God’s ability to judge is superior to mankind’s for God’s criteria is firm, it is based on what is done by a person not on a person’s good intentions regarding obedience to truth.
2. Preview — God’s judgment is superior for it is based on God’s ability to know when each person knows he has done evil and done good.

B. Question For Discussion? — Why is God not showing partiality when He judges those without the Law (Law of Moses) the same as those with the Law of Moses?

C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. What is the purpose of the section of Roman between 1:18 - 3:20?
a. Showing all people have earned condemnation, no one is justified when they stand in God’s presences (Rom 1:18).
b. Paul is not discussing how one is saved but how one is condemned.

2. What is the general definition of the word law [cf. 1Co 9:21]
a. Law is basically the expressed and binding will of someone; One “under law” to someone is “bound” by the expression of that someone’s will.
(1) Only if really necessary see Study Introduction; 5.e.

3. In this passage sometimes “Law” has a definite article (the, a) other times it does not. (Definite article used twice in 2:14 and once in 2:15.) Why did the Holy Spirit make this distinction?
a. When used with a definite article the binding will under discussion is the Law of Moses.
(1) Mss do not have upper and lower case letters, only upper case.
b. The issue is not if one is under the Law of Moses or not but if one has a way to know what pleases God and what does not please God.

4. How are those under law (expressed and binding will of someone) judged?


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