Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Romans - December 2, 2007

Section - Two: Condemnation -- Romans 1:18-3:20, Continued

4. What is God’s criteria for judgment?
a. (2:6) According to every man’s deeds (works ASV).
b. (2:9) To the Jew first and also to the Greek...
(1) May be first in chronological order. However, probably means the Jew was judged more stiffly because of his greater advantage of having and knowing the Law of Moses. [ref. James 3:1]

5. PONDER: One has no interest in accepting God’s offer of salvation through Christ, yet, is a good moral person who loves his family and does deeds of great value for the human race, animals, and the environment — based on this passage what can he expect for eternity?+
a. Such noble deeds will not earn him points regarding his eternal future for one’s eternity is determined by his relationship to the truth — is the truth obeyed or not obeyed.

OBSERVATION: In this letter Paul makes justification by faith a very important point, yet, he also shows every man’s personal performance is also important. Paul is not suggesting God will, in effect, count the hours you did good and reward you (pay wages) based on hours worked. However, the kind and quality of works one does is an index of one’s attitude or character. As will be developed in the Sanctification Section those in Christ do what they do because “they want to” not because “they have to”.

6. What part does mankind’s intention or purpose play when God judges?
a. None; it is not what one plans on doing but what one does [energy spent] that determines one’s eternal future.

7. What determines if energy spent [a deed or work] is good or evil?+
a. An action’s relationship to “Truth” not one’s family or one’s intentions determines how one will be judged.
b. Tirades against the vices of the day are without virtue in the eyes of God when God judges.
c. If the deed does not obey “the truth” [2:8] it is evil — no grey area.
(1) What is the truth [cf. 1:18]?
(a) What has been revealed by God via inspired men.

OBSERVATION: The truth here denotes the divine will, which is alone the light of truth (Calvin). It means true doctrine in opposition to false opinions; and to refuse to obey it is to regard it as false, and to resist its influence. The truth here means all the correct representations which had been made of God, and his perfections, and law, and claims, whether by the light of nature (Rom 1:19-23 [lec]) or by revelation. (Barnes)

8. Considering context how does one accomplish the goal of Rom 2:7, how does one know they are accomplishing this.
a. Verse 7 is between verses 6 and 8, thus, if one does not obey the truth they are not seeking the items of verse 7.
b. Eternal life is rendered to those doing verse 7 by obeying the truth, those having Book, Chapter, and Verse for what they do to please God.

9. (2:7) According to this verse Paul imply it is easy or difficult to live obeying “the truth”?
a. It is not easy for it requires perseverance or patience.
b. G5281. hupomone, 1) steadfastness, constancy, endurance 1a) the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.

10. What are the two major differences the Holy Spirit through Paul gives between God’s quality of judging and mankind’s quality of judging?


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