Monday, January 14, 2008

Romans - January 14, 2008

Section -Two; Condemnation __ Romans 1:18-3:20

D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What prevents obedience to an act commanded by God from accomplishing God’s stated purpose for the command?
1. Problem with the Jew’s obedience to the act of circumcision is they considered this physical act proved to God and everybody else they were God’s people.
a. Were focusing on physical act rather than purpose of act — i.e., was an act of obedience not a physical “mysterious or exoteric” act that saved.
2. Failed to grasp while a physical act was required to be part of God’s family it also required one to inwardly accept the responsibility of being part of God’s family; required one to walk different that those who were not part of God’s family.
E. Conclusion — Context: Building on previous paragraph; this is a section of condemnation not justification; Showing the Jew (God’s chosen) are also contemned.
1. Circumcision separated the believers of God (Law of Moses followers) from being only “believers” and being “God’s people”.
a. Not the act of circumcision but the attitude toward circumcision, i.e., not the circumcision but reason (attitude of obedience) for being circumcised.
F. Application — Likewise baptism separates believers from being only believers (Acts 10; Acts 19:3), thus, being saved from their sins.
1. Baptism does not remove one’s sins, obedience to Christ’s plan of salvation removes one’s sins — obedience to the command to be baptized saves one by grace [cf Act 2:21, 37-38]
2. Baptism for remission of sins is without value if one does not continue doing God’s will. [cf. Act 8:13,22]
3. Those with the correct attitude toward obedience will not stop at baptism but will rise to walk a new lifestyle committed to Christ.
4. PONDER: Is it possible for the “Five Acts of Worship” to become as had circumcision i.e., no more than our proof we are of Christ? Why that answer?
a. Yes! When we dwell on the doing more than on the why we are doing; i.e., doing because of peer pressure or guilt not because of love and appreciation for Christ and his mission.
b. How can one develop love and appreciation for Christ?
(1) Prayer and study.

X. {Rom 3:1-8}God’s Righteousness Does Not Prevent Jew’s (Nation) Punishment/Condemnation.
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul’s purpose in this section (Rom 1:18-3:20) is to show all mankind has earned condemnation, thus, have earned God’s judicial wrath — even God’s chosen people, the Jews — for they were guilty of inconsistency in not really keeping the Law inwardly, even though they might adhere to the letter of the Law.
2. Preview — Paul presents argument showing the Jew’s should expect to receive God’s wrath, i.e., they too are worthy of God’s condemnation.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Is God breaking His covenant with Abraham’s descendants if God’s wrath (judicial punishment) is applied to the Jews?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. What is the Jew’s advantage, as seen in the fact they are circumcised?
a. (Gen 17:10-11) They have a special relationship or covenant with God.
2. What is the meaning of “the oracles of God”?
a. {ACT 7:38; HEB 5:12; 1PE 4:11] (used only four times) The mind of God revealed to man, most notable the Law of Moses, but all the words God has revealed to man via His spokesmen.
3. Why is having God’s oracles an indicator of the Jew’s advantage?
a. (Deu 4:5-8) They alone had a hard copy of what God expected from His creation (God’s desires, rules in written form).
4. What does the answer to the rhetorical question of 3:3 inform the Jew about their advantage with God?
a. The Jew’s faithless does not make God faithless — the Jew still had an advantage.
5. PONDER: Can the Jew successfully refute Paul’s charge they have ever been unfaithful to God?
a. Old Testament prophets accused them of being faithless; 70 years of captivity; God’s four-hundred years of silence between Malachi and God’s words to Zacharias, John the Baptizer’s father [Luk 1:8f] and etc, are historical facts that cannot be denied.
6. PONDER: (v.3) Based on context (Condemnation of all) do you think Paul is making reference to the greatest act of unbelief by the Jews, the rejecting of Jesus as the Christ (Luke 23:23; John 19:19-22)?
a. Paul may have been making reference to the rejecting of Jesus as the Christ. However, I do not think so. Paul in this section on Condemnation has not addressed why it was necessary for Christ to die, much less the concept the Jews had to kill Jesus for such was planned when time began so mankind could receive salvation. Do not find support for the position the Jews are suggesting it is wrong to condemn them for doing what enabled God to be righteous, their killing Jesus. This section is proving all men are sinners, even those Jews (those of the nation of Israel) who accepted Jesus as the Christ; not how one is Justified.
7. If there is a conflict in the matter of rightness and wrongness between God and man who is always wrong?


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