Monday, April 21, 2008

Romans - April 20, 2008

Section -- Three: Justification -- Romans 3:21-5:18 continued

VII. {Rom 5:1-11} Assurance of Justification
A. Introduction
1. Review
2. Preview
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why can those justified by faith rejoice, in this life, with confidence?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
continued See previous Blogs

2. (5:1) What has happened to cause the readers to receive the exhortation?
a. Have been justified by faith and not by works or a physical relationship (as indicated by the act of circumcision).
3. (5:1-3) What three things are the readers exhorted to do?
a. Have peace with God
b. Rejoice in the hope and glory of God.
(1) Hope and glory of God is what they fell short (3:23) but now have, i.e., being righteous (4:24).
c. Rejoice in tribulations (does not say enjoys tribulations).
4. (5:3-5) What support has Paul previously given his readers for the assurance tribulations will lead to hope?
a. Abraham had the hope of God’s promise (4:18), readers have the hope of being credited with righteousness because of their faith in Jesus’ death (4:23-25)
5. The readers rejoice in “tribulation” because of a hope that does not disappoint; when did they have that hope, i.e., what is the time frame?
a. It is part of the “therefore” [5:1], thus, they had it when they had faith they would be credited with righteousness — believe Jesus was raised from the dead. [4:24].
(Rom 5:5 is first time Holy Spirit is mentioned in Romans}
OBSERVATION: (5:5) KJV reads knowledge of God’s love “is given” to those with “hope”. Context [Rom 5:1] is knowledge of God’s love “was given” so one could believe and have “hope” if they want to. Verse 5:5 is used to support the doctrine the Holy Spirit is poured (given) upon people so they can believe and He produces in them, without any effort or their part, the “Christian graces and fills their mind with peace, joy, and love”. Compare this popular position with the passage.
6. (5:5) Why did they have hope that did not disappoint?
a. Love of God poured into their heart (inward man)...
(1) When we think of heart we think of emotion, to the Greek heart was the seat of intellect — intestine (Phi 1:8; 2Co 7:15) was the seat of emotion.
7. (5:5) How was the love of God poured into their inward man?
a. By the Holy Spirit using His sword [Eph 6:17] and the tools of the inward man (memory, reason, contemplation, perception, judgment) influencing them to accept what was presented by inspired men (scripture) and eye witnesses, thus, believe Jesus was raised from the dead [cf. Rom 10:14,17; 1:15-17; Tit 3:5-7; Rom 12:2].
b. Their hope, as seen in Paul’s logical arguments, was based on logical faith, not blind faith nor some better felt than told felling
8. (5:6) In what way were the readers “helpless”, i.e., did they had to receive some measure of the Holy Sprit to believe?
9. (5:6) Why the hope [5:5] given will not a disappoint?
a. .
10. (5:7) What is the difference between a righteous and a good man?
11. (5:8) What is there about Christ’s death that is different than the death of one person for another person.
12. (5:9) Christ’s death justified the readers, what is the significance being justified?
13. PONDER: Based on (5:9-10) is it an accurate sequences of events to say because one refuse to have faith in God’s Son as the propitiation they shall receive God’s wrath (cf. 4:25; 5:1)?
14. (5:10) Paul has proven Christ’s death reconciled the readers to God, in what way are the readers saved by Christ’s life? (cf. 1Jo 1:7-9; 2:1)

D. Evidence Applied: Why can those justified by faith rejoice, in this life, with confidence?
E. Conclusion


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