Monday, April 28, 2008

Romans - April 27, 2008

Section -- Three: Justification -- Romans 3:21-5:18 continued

VII. {Rom 5:1-11} Assurance of Justification
A. Introduction
1. Review
2. Preview
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why can those justified by faith rejoice, in this life, with confidence?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
(continued from previous Blogs)

8. (5:6) In what way were the readers “helpless”, i.e., did they had to receive some measure of the Holy Sprit to believe?
a. Staying with context they were helpless for they tried by works and fell short, thus, they needed someone to do what they could not do — i.e., appease God’s wrath.
9. (5:6) Why the hope [5:5] given will not a disappoint?
a. God’s allowed His Son to die as a propitiation for sin, thus, accomplished what God wanted to be accomplish.
10. (5:7) What is the difference between a righteous and a good man?
a. Righteous man is one who lives by the letter of the law; gives no less measure than he should, no less respect than he should, no less work than he should.
b. Good man is the generous kind who would be just as likely to give more than he should as to give what he owed, i.e. more likeable; sees striving to be “God like” as more than an obligation, it is a worthwhile way of life.
11. (5:8) What is there about Christ’s death that is different than the death of one person for another person.
a. Christ died for all the unworthy (not just a limited few), thus, our hope will not disappoint, i.e., the promise is sound.
12. (5:9) Christ’s death justified the readers, what is the significance being justified?
a. We shall be saved from God’s wrath.
13. PONDER: Based on (5:9-10) is it an accurate sequences of events to say because one refuse to have faith in God’s Son as the propitiation they shall receive God’s wrath (cf. 4:25; 5:1)?
a. No! They receive God’s judicial wrath because they have earned it and by refusing God’s offer of salvation they receive what they earned.

14. (5:10) Paul has proven Christ’s death reconciled the readers to God, in what way are the readers saved by Christ’s life? (cf. 1Jo 1:7-9; 2:1)

D. Evidence Applied: Why can those justified by faith rejoice, in this life, with confidence?
E. Conclusion —

VIII. {Rom 5:12-17} Adam’s actions compared with Christ’s actions
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has shown being justified by merit cannot be accomplished, he now summarize his argument before he discussed the consequences of justification — Sanctification.
2. Preview — We move into an area (from here to the end of the chapter) causing many, because of the way Paul presents his Justification Conclusion, to think Paul supports Calvinistic views (everyone is born totally depraved) and Universalism views (no one will be lost). Such an understanding is not the fault of the Holy Spirit but the fault of the reader.
B. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the primary difference between what Adam did and what Christ did?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (5:12) “Wherefore” refers to three major blessing received through Christ of verse 5:1-11, what are they?
2. (5:12) Who is the “one man” and what was the result?
3. (5:12) What is the death Paul is addressing?
4. PONDER: Did Adam bring physical death to the world?
5. (5:12) Why did death spread?
6. (5:13) The Greek word translated as “imputed” is use in the KJV four times. The other three times are Philemon 1:18. What is the meaning of “imputed”?
a. .
7. (5:13) Considering this passage, along with Rom 4:15, what is Paul saying?
8. (5:14) Why did Paul pick the time frame from Adam to Moses to address the reigning (to rule) of death?
9. (5:14) What was the nature of Adam’s sin?
10. (5:14) What is the nature of the sins of others?
11. (5:14) In what way is Adam a type of Jesus?
12. (5:15) In what way does Paul say Jesus the Christ’s gift is not like Adam’s sin?
13. (5:16) In what way does Paul say Jesus the Christ’s actions is not like Adam’s?
14. (5:17) In what way does Paul say Jesus the Christ’s impact is not like Adam’s?
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the primary difference between what Adam did and what Christ did?
E. Conclusion —

IX. {Rom 5:18-21} Conclusion of Justification Section (3:21-5:21)


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