Monday, May 19, 2008

Romans - May 18, 2008

Section -- Three: Justification -- Romans 3:21-5:21 continued

VIII. {{Rom 5:12-17} Adam’s actions compared with Christ’s actions
A. Introduction
1. Review
2. Preview
B. Question For Discussion?
1. Why can those justified by faith rejoice, in this life, with confidence?
C. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
(continued from previous Blogs)

7. (5:13) Considering this passage, along with Rom 4:15, what is Paul saying?
a. Before any law of merit was given sin was around but the one “sinning” did not receive God’s judicial wrath because he was not breaking any law, likewise, he could not earn righteousness by not breaking what he did not know he must not break...
(1) Issue is not if there was no law but the issue is people are only held accountable for the law given to them.
8. (5:14) Why did Paul pick the time frame from Adam to Moses to address the reigning (to rule) of death?
a. Was not the Law of Moses that brought about spiritual death, thus, it was not the Law of Moses preventing spiritual death, i.e., appeasing God’s judicial wrath (cf. Rom 3:25)...
(1) Keeping or not keeping the Law of Moses by those not given the Law of Moses was not important in being righteous before God.
9. (5:14) What was the nature of Adam’s sin?
a. Adam received God’s judicial wrath because he violated God’s law (covenant) — he ate and gained knowledge of good and evil [cf Hos 6:7).
(1) Issue is not if Adam (not knowing good and evil for he had not eaten the fruit) did or did not do evil.
10. (5:14) What is the nature of the sins of others?
a. Others receive God’s judicial wrath because they gain knowledge of good and evil then violate God’s law (covenant) of good and evil.
b. They are sinners because they sinned (5:12), not because Adam sinned...
(1) As our sins may have consequences on family members, my sins are not imputed to family members anymore than were Adam’s..
OBSERVATION: (5:14) While God had not given a standard or law with the promise of judicial wrath, God has given commands to be followed. (When Paul uses the word law in Romans, unless there is contextual modification, he is referring to laws carrying the promise of judicial wrath when not obeyed; laws that when obeyed earn one credit from God.) When God told Abraham to leave to another country (Gen 12:1-3) if Abraham did not do as he was told he would not receive the blessing promised, however, he would not receive God’s judicial wrath for such was not promised. All have sinned for no one has kept all of God’s commands, this includes the commands that did not carry the promise of judicial wrath and commands that, as did Adam’s, promised judicial wrath if not obeyed. None, including Abraham, are worthy of righteousness and fellowship with God as Paul has shown in this section (3:21-5:21).
11. (5:14) In what way is Adam a type of Jesus?
a. Adam is a type of Christ in the sense that by the actions of one many are effected
12. (5:15) In what way does Paul say Jesus the Christ’s gift is not like Adam’s sin?
a. The difference between the two is the one transgression of one brings spiritual death, the one gift of the other spiritual life, one brings to God the other separates from God.
13. (5:16) In what way does Paul say Jesus the Christ’s actions is not like Adam’s?
a. The difference between the two is the action of one earned unrighteousness (spiritual separation) for all from God, while the one action of the other brought righteousness (spiritual uniting, right relationship with God) for many transgressors.
14. (5:17) In what way does Paul say Jesus the Christ’s impact is not like Adam’s?
a. If the impact of what Adam did (violation of God’s covenant or law) caused spiritual separation to reign, the impact of Christ’s actions (gift of un-separation) will be greater.
D. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — What is the primary difference between what Adam did and what Christ did?
1. Adam brought spiritual death, Christ brought spiritual life.
2. Adam’s actions earned spiritual separation for all, Christ action earned all the free gift of spiritual uniting with God.
3. Adam cause spiritual death to reign and grace through Christ causes spiritual life to reign.
E. Conclusion — In this section Paul is discussion the need for Justification of the Condemned. He is not discussion the “how” one obtains the “gift of righteousness”. Paul will not address the “how” in the next section (Sanctification) he will just treat it as a fact as he mentions what they have done to become recipients of the “gift of righteousness”.

IX. {Rom 5:18-21} Conclusion of Justification Section (3:21-5:21)
A. Introduction
1. Review — Paul has addressed justification is not by our personal efforts, not by our obedience to any law granting justification based on how well we follow, thus, earned justification. Paul has shown the graciousness and, beyond any question, the reliability of justification by faith based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
2. Preview — Paul now draws a conclusion on Justification as he prepares to move to Sanctification. Must not allow Paul’s conclusion to Justification Section( 3:21-5:21) mean any more or any less then what is supported by the section’s context. Any conclusion we draw must have been addressed between 3:21 and 5:21. If Paul has not discussed the conclusion drawn it is not Paul’s conclusion but a conclusion drawn from “church” or personal doctrine.
3. Question For Discussion: What is the primary difference between what Adam did and what Christ did?
B. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. NOTE: The flow 5:18f goes back to 5:12, i.e. without interruption of the parenthetical statement of 5:13-17
a. (5:12) is the beginning of showing contrast between Adam and Christ with 5:18 being the continuation of the thought.
b. (5:18) “so then” [“therefore”] = ara G.686; = a particle denoting an inference more or less decisive, that follows; conclusion of an argument.
(1) (5:12) “Therefore” = G.1223 dia = denoting the channel of an act;
2. (5:18) What contrast between Adam and Christ is stressed?
3. (5:18) What is contrasted with “justification of life”?
4. (5:19) What contrast between Adam and Christ is stressed?
5. (5:19) Why is this not establishing doctrine of TULIP or Universalism?
6. (5:20) What contrast is addressed?
7. (5:21) What contrast is addressed?
C. Evidence Applied: What is the primary difference between what Adam did and what Christ did?
D. Conclusion —


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