Monday, February 01, 2010

Romans - 1/31/2010

The Book of Romans
VII. Conclusion (15:5 - 16:27)

(continued from previous Class Follow Up)

V. {Rom 16:1-2}
. Introduction
1. Review — Have been told what was needed from them for him.
2. Preview — Here he mentions a person that may need help
. Question For Discussion?
1. Who is Phoebe?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:1) What relationship is Phoebe to Paul?
a. A sister in Christ
2. What relationship is Phoebe to the christian at Rome?
a. A sister in Christ
3. Was she an “official” of the church in Cenchrea?
a. Not in the official sense. Calling one a song leader or a preacher does not make him an official of the church at a local location.
4. (16:2) They ask to do two things, what are they?
a. To receive and help her. The motels and cafes left a lot to be desired in those days.
5. What are the two reasons why she should be helped?
a. She helped others and she helped Paul.
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:1-2) Who is Phoebe?
1. A traveling helpful sister in from the church in Cenchrea that is coming to Rome.
. Conclusion — When I help others I can expect help from others. Paul does not say she has a right to expect help.

VI. {Rom 16:3-16}
. Introduction
1. Review — Has told them what he needed and of a person that may need their help.
2. Preview — Paul list several that have helped him in the past.
. Question For Discussion?
1. What does this passage tell us about the church in Rome?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:3-5) Prisca is short for Priscilla. When do we first meet this couple?
a. At Corinth on Paul’s second trip (Acts 18:1-3)
2. What does v.4 tell us about this couple?
a. They put their life on the line for Paul, we are not when or where.
3. Is it wrong or right for a church not to have a building and thus meet in someone’s home?
a. If the doctrine is correct the place of meeting of meeting is not important.
b. The church in Rome may have meet in the home Prisca and Aquila for unless a trip was taken or a letter was written the people listed could not be greeted.
4. (16:7) What does this verse tell us about this couple?
a. They have been Jews or Paul’s kin; when this letter was written Paul was not a prisoner of the state so he is saying they are prisoners of Christ; they were “apostles”of the church in Rome; they were christian before Paul (this refutes eternal election).
5. (16:16) How were they to greet each other and does this apply to us?
a. They were greet other as society required but with sincerity; yes.
6. Is Paul saying all churches of Christ greet the church in Rome?
a. No just the ones he knew; if all the “greets” are not in Rome then it is only the ones mentioned
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:3-16)What does this passage tell us about the church in Rome?
1. It was filled workers that Paul knew
. Conclusion — ?


VII. {Rom 16:17-24}
. Introduction
1. Review — The church in Rome had some good workers
2. Preview — A warning to the church
. Question For Discussion?
1. What is the church to do about false doctrine?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. (16:17) Paul implies some are doing what?
2. What are they to do?
3. (16:18) Are this men bad or evil men?
4. What is the tool used by these men?
a. .
5. What is their target and how do I prevent being their target?
6. (16:19) They challenged to what?
7. (16:20) What does soon or shortly mean?
8. (16:20) PONDER: What is the event that is to happen?
a. .
. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] — (16:17-24) What is the church to do about false doctrine?
. Conclusion — ?

VIII. {Rom 16:25-27}
. Introduction
1. Review — He gives a warning that some teach false doctrine
2. Preview — Closing
. Question For Discussion?
. Questions For Encouraging Discussion...
1. “My gospel” is not the same as Christ’s gospel?
a. .
2. What is the mystery that was revealed?

. Evidence Applied [Discussion Question Answered] —
. Conclusion —

IX. Conclusion — We come to end of Paul’s explanation of the plan of salvation


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